
The Letter O

For some reason I always think that this song is done by Okkervil River, however the singer sounds nothing like Will Sheff. I am pretty sure the connection stems from the fact that Okkervil's faster songs usually have a rowdy feel, similar to this one.
The Old Canes - Little Bird Courage

How about some funk that will make you say "O'ma god, that's funkay!"
Orgone - Who Knows Who?

I hate it when I leave the oven on, but I love it when I leave the Ovens on.
Ovens - Movin' On

I feel a mashup coming on....are you ready?
Overdub - Five Step (Radiohead vs Dave Brubeck)

Ooooo it looks like we are going to have a battle of the old men in this post...
Old Man Markley - Guts N' Teeth

Old Man Luedecke - At The Airport

And the winner is....

It would just be a shame if I didn't declare him the best old man.