
Getting nauseated from all this noise, so I am going shopping.

A few weeks ago I had insulation blown in the ceiling in my apartment. The reason is kind of fucked up. To put it simply my upstairs neighbor is an asshole and my apartment has paper thin walls. I have lived here for nearly 2 years, and this is by no means a fabrication, every morning I am woken up by his elephant stomps at 5AM. This doesn't really qualify him to be awarded asshat of the year. I mean there isn't much he can do about walking and getting ready for work. That is more of a apartment issue than anything. What does deserve him the award is that he thinks it's okay to constantly blast his home theater system anytime he watches TV, or crank his music. On top of that he has dedicated his upstairs apartment to be the "party spot." Meaning that he has multiple people, I counted 6 on more than a few occasions, come over and get wasted until 3AM. this happens a lot. I then wake up to a yard littered with beer cans. This happens most weekends and the volume is very frequent. I have tried the normal path of knocking with the intention of being friendly and asking him to keep it down a bit. He didn't answer his door. I tried that a few times. Then I decided to leave a very funny and polite note. Which did nothing. I had talks with him when I caught him outside, polite talks. Nothing got through. I even asked to trade phone numbers to text him rather than bang on the ceiling. He didn't want to do that. Which left me to do the old ceiling tap, which made me feel like an asshole. I would have moved but, my finances don't bode well for a new apartment at the moment. After a year or so of trying all I could I started to let the landlord know. The landlord took note but mostly blew it off at first. I made sure to let the landlord know I wasn't trying to be difficult or gain enemies but the shenanigans were quite rude. He talked to him a few times and even told him that his rent would be raised if he had to blow insulation. Still didn't really phase him. So, the landlord pulled the trigger and found someone to get insulation in for a relatively cheap price. The sound is somewhat better, his walking is still quite loud, but better. The first few nights after the insulation was installed he cranked his stereo again. This struck me as an intentional act so of course I informed the landlord. Since then he has been quite decent. I doubt it will last though. My landlord has been pretty great about it all, and agreed with me that the walking was loud, and the neighbor has always been a loud guy. I really wasn't trying to get him kicked out, I just wanted some peace in my home. People do their things and I don't want interrupt his enjoyment, but there is a line when you live in an apartment building. When they installed the insulation (which was awesome) there was so much dust! Tomorrow they are coming to patch up the drywall in the ceiling, and this time I got some plastic sheeting and covered everything I couldn't move and moved TV and computer into my bedroom. I totally felt like I was Dexter preparing for a killing while putting up the plastic. I guess in a way less sadistic way I was. I am killing the noise...hopefully. If this doesn't work I am definitely finding a new apartment. I do find it quite funny that I am writing this in a blog about music. I like loud music but I like my own, and I know what respect for others means.
Heywood Banks - The Music's Too Loud

I love everything about this video. Jeff Rosenstock has had an extensive musical career since 1998. He has played in numerous punk and ska bands, including one of my quasi hometown bands The Mustard Plug. He started his own indie record label called Quote Unquote Records, which, in true DYI fashion, releases most records for free. I am well past the angst driven, youth party punk rock that I once loved, but I still visit it every now and then just to keep tabs on what is happening. I was rather impressed with his music. Very catchy music, and great self deprecating humors lyrics with a large addition of truth and emotion. If you like this song I would suggest checking out his band Bomb The Music Industry who have quite a few albums under their belt. I really have a lot of respect for Mr. Rosenstock, and havce become a fan for sure, even though I may be an old man. I mean how can you not laugh at this video?
Jeff Rosenstock - Nausea

Thrift shopping has recently become my newest addiction. There is one store I stop at quite a bit and the other day I scored a few good indie albums. So here are 3 songs from the albums I found.
CHVRCHES - The Mother We Share

The Glitch Mob - Can't Kill Us

The War On Drugs - Red Eyes

Welp! That is all for tonight. As Brad Taylor of Home Improvement fame once said after seeing Heidi from Tool Time. "Knee ya sex time... I mean see ya next time."


Healing wounds, making robots, getting all jacked up on rock and roll. Just another day at RopBopBlog

I was burning the midnight oil last night and I came across this video by the wonderful Juilen Baker, whom I had not heard before. While listening to her gorgeous voice singing some heart melting sad songs, I started to peruse the comments, as I often do. Most of the time when I do this I come across the way to common troll comments that unravel into arguments that don't even pertain to the subject of the video, or XYZ brought me here, or the snobbish "I have been listening since day one and therefore I am superior and can say they sold out." comment. Every once in a while there is a thought provoking gem hidden in the mass of garbage. A comment that makes me stop and say "Shit! This person is spot on." So instead of writing what I think for a change, I am just going to post said comment I read, and very much agree with. This was written in response to someone saying they don't understand how people can say today's music sucks, when there is great stuff like this out there.

"That sentiment when I hear it is typically followed up by a comment about how music was so much better in (insert era here). Honestly, It's nothing but apathy. Mainstream popular music, the kind that is spoonfed to the slobbering masses on the radio each day, the kind that is played in rotations so tight they give off gravity, has ALWAYS sucked. At least when people said music sucks 30 years ago, they had the excuse of poor access to the any sort of alternative to the mainstream. Today, with the ease with which we can access the internet, and the wonderful curation of quality music that goes on every day not just online, but at places with NPR, and KCRW, there is no excuse for stating that music sucks these days. If anything, music is more alive now that it ever has been. The access that artists have to produce high quality music is nearly unfettered. The ease with which they can then distribute that music is unsurpassed. We, as the listeners have the widest selection of music available to us that we have ever had, and there's more being made every single day that we can literally watch being made in real time thanks to artists who even stream from the studio(sometimes their bedrooms). I will say though, (as if I haven't already said enough) that today's pop music is so watered down and over produced that it's arguably worse than it's ever been. I know pop music sets a really low bar, but as I spend nearly 8 hours each day trying not to listen to the radio at work that is blaring whatever station my coworkers put on, something like Jammin' 94.5 or Earbleedin' 10pleasefuckingkillme, it's the most vapid and vacuous dribble I've ever heard in my nearly 40 years on this planet. I can almost feel brain cells killing themselves just so they don't have to try to process what they're hearing. This though. I love this. I adore this. Thirteen minutes and five seconds of this heals every wound inflicted on my psyche by 40 hours a week of commercial radio."

I first head of this band from a skateboarding video. I can't remember which one. I think the original song I hear was "I Woke Up This Morning" from their 2002 album Electric Sweat. This band is pure rock and roll energy. The songs remind me of riding a roller coaster. It's fast, loud, and crazy. It might be a little dangerous, and when you get done you might have a case of whiplash, but your adrenaline will be so jacked that you want to do it 10 more times.

I have always loved the name Ruby. Partly because that was my grandmothers name. I have always said that if I had a baby daughter I would name her after my Grandmother. This song by the indie pop band Apples In Stereo hearkens back to the 60's poppy sound. It's good mood music for sure. I remember not too long before she passed I played a bunch of songs for her that I liked. She told me that she really liked most of them. Of course, I stayed away from the hardcore screaming stuff. I think that if I had the chance to play this song for my grandmother, she would have really liked it.

Last night I watched the movie Ex Machina. I don't want to give too much of it away but I really feel that the film posed some thought provoking questions about future technology, albeit technology which we may not see for quite sometime. If you haven't seen it, or maybe passed of off as another popcorn sci-fi movie (as I almost did), I'd definitely recommend checking it out if you are a fan of the genre. If you are one to pick apart a movie because it's not realistic, than this probably is not for you (I mean there is a reason it's called science FICTION). However, I think it does a much better job of exploring the real world based effects of artificial intelligence than movies like Terminator (Skynet) or the 2001 Spielberg movie A.I. The premise is based on the creation of artificial intelligence by a mad scientist of sorts, and the use of a human subject as a testing ground to see if the A.I. passes as a sentient being. The movie is pretty great at creating a thrilling paranoia and yet leaves a sense of wonder and fascination. The ending is definitely one that will leave you thinking.


Shocking motivation, bizzare stories, and sublime covers.

A friend on facebook posted a song by Sublime and it caused me to revisit some of the more obscure Sublime albums that I have. There is one in particular that I really like and it was the Sublime Asocustic Bradley Nowell and Friends album. Although it wasn't much song length wise, consisted of various sound qualities, and even featured some song previously released, it managed to capture some great intimate moments in the gone too soon singers career. There is a song on the album that is an amalgamation of bits of original songs and a cover by the Orange County "cowpunksurfabilly" band called The Ziggens. I decided to check them out and they are a pretty good band. They remind me of a mix of 90's college rock, barn burner country, and a little Weird Al style zaniness (in both vocal styling and comedic lyricism). I'm pretty glad I decided to look them up.

Brad Nowell - Mary/Big Salty Tears (Ziggens Cover)

The Ziggens - Big Salty Tears

The Ziggens - Really Bad Sunburn

I am a big podcast dork and about a year ago I stumbled on a collection of old radio broadcasts of a show called Coast to Coast AM: With Art Bell. If you're not familiar with the show or who Art Bell is you are in for a treat. The radio show is a late night call in talk show and the format is focused on the bizarre, creepy, and interesting things in life. The topics range from callers ghost stories, to talking with guests about FBI profiling, to speaking with people who claim to be time travelers, to storm chasers. The show runs pretty much all through the night, starting at 12AM to around 4AM. As you can guess the show gets a bevy for strange and interesting callers. The show is still around, however the thing that really makes the show pop, for me at least, is the host Art Bell. Mr. Bell sadly ended his talk show career in the mid 2000's, but began hosting the show in the early 90's, leaving quite a collection of broadcasts behind. His inquisitive nature, and cool smoky low voice set a perfect compliment to the shows format. He also has a led a very interesting life due to the show. To give you an example of one of his most memorable episodes, he had a caller that claimed to have a bottomless hole in his back yard. Art, being the host he is, ran with it and interviewed him, and then took callers reactions to the story afterward. The man was pretty convincing, would not give his location unless provided with some form of compensation. That's really the essence of the show. Piquing the listeners interest and then bringing you to the edge of belief and disbelief. It makes for some really fun listening. You can find a lot of his episodes on YouTube. I really recommend checking out this list that has some classic episodes. 

The Chapin Sisters - Digging A Hole

Tom Waits - Way Down In The Hole

I am a very undisciplined person. I don't have a good diet, I don't exercise like I should, I often forget to do important things. I have tried so many different things to get my life in order, from setting scheduled reminders to do chores, to programming sound notifications on my phone, to having my computer nag me to do things. It just isn't working. However, I have not given up. In the last few years smart wearable technology has become a popular thing. Mostly in the fitness world. I have always wanted to try out one of these gadgets and now that the price of them has become decently affordable I took the plunge and purchased myself a Pebble Time smart watch. My thinking is this, in order to me to learn some discipline and get into a routine I need more drastic measures than reminders on a screen. I need something probably short of shock therapy, to get me ass in line. It just so happens that the Pebble does this in a not so shocking, but vibration sort of way. I am pretty tech savvy and have a bit of programming knowledge so I am going to set up the watch to vibrate on my scheduled reminders. I really believe that this might be the approach that helps me get my shit together fitness/diet wise. I have the want (boy, do I have the want!) but I need a harder way to not avoid the things I need to do. Maybe I should just hire someone to scream "YOU NEED TO DO THE DISHES!" or "PUT THAT TACO BELL DOWN"...maybe I need a naggy significant other. NOTE: Brad in no way is disrespecting any gender with this comment. It is only posted for comedic effect. He thinks that all genders can be equally naggy, and knows that in most cases it's for the benefit of the other person.

Shock Treatment Movie Soundtrack - Shock Treatment

I know I posted a different version of this song previously and I feel like that's cheating a bit so here is another one.

Weezer - The Good Life

The Wonder Years - Came Out Swinging


An Introduction to a different world and a few music history lessons.

There has been massive construction going on around my town, I swear it feels like every road is either closed or cut down to 1 lane. I get it I live in a state where there is limited time to do road construction, but whoever decided to do this much at once deserves a big slap in the face with a dead trout fish. Not only does it cause traffic, but it also brings out the asshole in people. A few days ago I was cut off (almost in an accident) 3 times. I have noticed that customers at work have been extra grouchy, no one smiles or uses common manners. Is everyone an asshole, or is it just me? I mean I am trying to be cool, calm and collected and not jump into the idiot pool with them. I know in my last post I wrote about choosing kind words and thinking about what you say before you spew negativity, but I guess you have to release your rage somehow. I like to do it through the power of music. This song by one of my favorite "get happy bands" sums it up quite nicely. So today I am creating a new genre, I call it happy-rage. Songs that are fun and intended to make you smile while also allowing you to release all that negativity. What is your favorite happy-rage song, leave a comment below.

Reel Big Fish - Everyone Else Is An Asshole

Another from the Big Fish...the alternate version

Reel Big Fish - You Don't Know (Skacoustic)

This is the funkiest song I have ever heard. Betty was way ahead of her time when it came to music. She was also married to Miles Davis.
She met Miles Davis in 1967 and married him in September 1968. In just one year of marriage she influenced him greatly by introducing him to the fashions and the new popular music trends of the era. In his autobiography, Miles credited Betty with helping to plant the seeds of his future musical explorations by introducing the trumpeter to psychedelic rock guitarist Jimi Hendrix and funk innovator Sly Stone. The Miles Davis album Filles de Kilimanjaro (1968) includes a song named after her and her photo on the front cover.

Miles believed that Hendrix and Betty had an affair which supposedly hastened the end of their marriage, but Betty denies this. Hendrix and Miles stayed close after the divorce, planning to record until Hendrix's death. The influence of Hendrix and especially Sly Stone on Miles Davis was obvious on the album Bitches Brew (1970), which ushered in the era of jazz fusion. The origin of the album's title is unknown, but some believe Miles was subtly paying tribute to Betty and her girlfriends. In fact, it is said that he originally wanted to call the album Witches Brew—it was Betty who convinced him to change it" - Wikipedia

Betty Davis - They Say I'm Different

Lately I have been super into the animated Adult Swim show Rick And Morty. If you haven't had a chance to check it out, it's about the adventures of an insecure awkward teenage boy, Morty, and super drunk, super dickish mad scientist grandpa, Rick. They travel all over the galaxy and get into all sorts of hi jinks.  The show is pretty damn funny, absolutely strange, and at time can be super deep. The episodes consist of things like visiting a planet where everyone is nice but one a year they have a "purge night" where they release all their rage, or they make a remote that can receive TV shows from other planets and other dimensions, or dropping off a not so space loving Dad at a daycare full of clones so Rick and Morty can sell illegal guns to interplanetary hit men and then go to Blips and Chitz (an otherworldly Dave and Busters knock off). The animation and creativity that goes into this show is astounding. The show has featured some great tunes as well. One of the more memorable, deep moments is scored by a song by Chaos Chaos called Do You Feel It. Even if you aren't the biggest animation fan, I highly suggest checking this show out.

Chaos Chaos - Do You Feel It

This song just caught my ear...I think I need to spend sometime with The Hotelier. Great lyrics, a little emo, but really cool sounding.

The Hotelier - An Introduction To The Album 

I love me some Solomon Burke. Such a soulful voice! Yes, this was on the Dirty Dancing soundtrack. No, I am really not a fan of the movie, but I have seen it more times than I would like. However, my parents had both volumes of the soundtrack and they are fantastic. This song is what brought me to love soul music so much. It brings me memories of riding in the family Chevrolet Celebrity (which became my first car) blasting the soundtrack. This is a staple of my journey into music.

Solomon Burke - Cry To Me


I am an old man who likes dancing, kind words, and pretty songs.

I feel this year has been the year of constant negatives. Shootings left in right in the news, crazy politicians and constant bickering/trash talking between their followers, hate towards people who are different than us, but just trying to live their lives and make it by the same as us, constant construction (at least where I am). It seems like everyone is angry, or depressed, or sad. It's fucking insane. I heard this song last night while listening to an old podcast of Loveline with Dr. Drew and Adam Carolla. It's the title track off the 1994 album Question The Answers by a band called the Mighty Mighty Bosstones. The whole song is great, but here are the lyrics to the chorus...

Kinder words here we could pick
A kind approach might do the trick
Hurt you, hurt me, well that needs to stop
Kinder words here we could choose
We've kind of got a lot to lose
The temperature we need that to drop

I really wish this song would come back into rotation because I think we all could benefit from the wise words this song has to offer. This world is dark enough without us adding more negativity. Maybe it's just me wishing to see things through rose colored glasses, or maybe it's the due to the advancement of technology that we all have a platform to stand on and news that we'd never normally hear about is getting to us faster than ever. I don't know. What I do know is right now there is way to much negativity in this world and we all need to do our part to change that. We are all humans and we all deserve a break, regardless of what we believe to be right. Everyone fucks up, no one is perfect. Cut a little slack. Think about that the next time you get on your soapbox or rage. Be peaceful, be caring, be kind, be open minded, take care of yourself and each other my friends.
 The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - Kinder Words
Quite sometime ago I woke up from a night of hard partying and said to myself, "Man, I am to old for this shit." To old to spend the day recovering fron the night before. To tired to stay up until 4AM. I can no longer wake up foggy headed trying to piece the night together. Don't get me wrong, I had some epic fun times and there are days where I miss having that sort of crazy fun with my friends, but there is that point when you realize that there is more to life and slowing your roll is needed. I think this song captures that moment perfectly. The addition of Chance The Rapper makes this song even more epic.
Snakehips - All My Friends (Feat. Tinashe, Chance The Rapper)

I found this gem on a Reddit post. Rips is from Beantown (Boston), MA. The first time I heard them I seriously got out of my chair and started dancing. I would call their sound modern funk, with a twist of psychedelic chilled out soul. They haven't really been around long, they only have a few E.P.s out, but they play tighter than a wet jelly jar on a muggy afternoon. This particular song is super addictive and has a ska-like vibe to it. If you know anything about me you know I am a sucker for a killer horn section. The tempo changes are masterfully done, and super clean. The lyrics are pretty solid and fun to sing with. The vocalist reminds me a bit of John Popper of the band Blues Traveler, which is definitely a compliment. Every song I have head by them is totally dance-able. Keep an eye out for these cats, as they are currently touring and in the process of making a full length album! If they don't make it big it would be a crying shame. 
Ripe - Talk To The Moon

Waves of blue, wet mist, hot sun. Cool breeze, hissing silent crash, toes sinking into the sand. Row, row row, your float, gently to a shore, merrily, barely coasting along, out here life seems like a dream.
Kidstreet - Song (studio version)
Sky of blue, endless space, golden rays. Dry air, roaring wiping wind, freedom like the birds. Fly, fly, fly away into the horizon. Your worries shed and dissipate behind you, scattered and falling to the earth below.
Kidstreet - Song (string version)


A public service announcement from your local music nerd...

If you are new or just coming back to this blog just a heads up, it's a mess. A lot of the more "recent" posts still have broken links. If you delve deeper into the archives (on the lower right hand side) most of the song titles will lead to the youtube video. You might have to go back quite a bit. I will be working like mad to get it all sorted out but it's gonna take a while (probably a long while as I have over 150 posts to fix). I will work from most recent to oldest. Your best bet is to wait a few week or two and come back and you should see some changes. Sorry for any frustration (believe me it's frustration on my end too).


Cover This

So it's been a while (You should read that in the voice of Arron Lewis from the band Staind...you know the song) since I have posted here. Damn near 3 years, maybe more I didn't pay close attention to the date before starting this post. I'd like to say I am back at it, but you know how that works around here, so I am not going to make any promises I can't keep. Would I like to continue bringing you great music? Hell yes! Am I lazy and forgetful? That also is a resounding "Hell yes!" I will say though that this recent bout of music fever that hit me has been lots of fun. that being said I will do my best to keep this trend going.

Firs of all I want to make you aware that the format here is going to change. Before I would link to a song that you could download. Unfortunately, the service I used to provide the downloads is no longer around. This sucks, but it is also a good thing. I no longer have to worry about providing links to songs and feeling bad about ripping the bands off in a sense. In the last 3 years technology has came a long way. We now have things like Spotify, and YouTube, and the good ol' Googler if you really want to find the music. So what is the format change you ask?   Nothing too crazy. Instead of posting the download files I am just going to make YouTube playlists (RopBopBlog actually has a YouTube channel now! That you can subscribe to! Wowee!)  I figure I'll still write blurbs and pick songs like I used to but I will link to the YouTube videos. Every few weeks I will make a playlist of the best of the best songs that I have posted. That way if you don't like to read my rambling, you don't have to. Of course I will be picking the songs for the playlists, however if you like a song a lot, make a comment on the post. I'll be sure to put it on the playlist. At some point, I will try my hand once again at making a RopBop Podcast, but it's on the back burner for the time being. As always I will be willing to take any suggestions you have for songs, and if you feel so inclined, write a little about the song and what/why you like it. I'll put it up (unless it's extremely crossing the line offensive). I don't want this blog to be all about my tastes in music. There are various ways you can get in contact with me. Leave a comment on this very blog, Send me an e-mail (link in sidebar) or if you know me facebook,text, or talk directly to my face (I mean if you want to talk to my feet you can do that too, but I would be really weirded out by that). That being said...let's get down to business!

I recently created a playlist of cover songs I had laying around. I love a good cover song! Some of these you may know, and some you may not. I would implore you to go and seek out the originals if you don't know a song. It just might lead you to discovering a new jam!

Cover This: A RopBop Cover Mix

I will post the playlist with links to the original songs below.

1. Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly - D.A.N.C.E. (Justice Cover)

2. Foo Fighters - Kiss The Bottle (Jawbreaker Cover)

3. Little Richard - I Feel Pretty

4. Kepi Ghoulie - Kiss The Girl (Little Mermaid Cover)

5. Joeseph Gordon-Levitt - I Don't Want To Live On The Moon (Seasme Street Cover)

6. Post Modern Jukebox - Creep feat. Haley Reinhart (Radiohead Cover)

7. Antoine Dufour - Hide And Seek (Imogen Heap Cover)

8. Regina Spektor - Chelsea Hotel No. 2 (Leonard Cohen Cover)

9.Ellie Goulding - Tessalate (Alt-J Cover)

10. Lauren O'Connell - Graceland (Paul Simon Cover)

11. The Gits - A Change Is Gonna Come (Sam Cooke Cover)

12.Paramore - Use Somebody (Kings Of Leon Cover)

13. The Protomen - I Drove All Night (Cindy Lauper Cover)

14. Metric - Don't Think Twice It's Aright (Bob Dylan Cover)

15. M. Ward - Rave On (Buddy Holly Cover)

16. Schneider TM & Kptmichigan - The Light 3000 (The Smiths Cover)

17. Seu Jorge - Life On Mars (David Bowie Cover)

18. Taylor Swift - Riptide (Vance Joy Cover)

19. Wye Oak - Mother (Danzig Cover)

20. Miley Cyrus - Summertime Sadness (Lana Del Rey Cover)

21. Lissie - Ship Song (Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Cover)