
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Like a diamond hanging from your neck, you shine in my eyes. Like a field of flowers, you are planted in me. Just like the rush of the ocean, you're music to my ears. If the stars I wished upon fell to earth, they would burn in the shape of love. You have a mind like the blackness of space, wondrous, unknown and one many would die to explore. This is beauty and beauty is you.

Today I thought I would take on the theme of beauty. Really beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So I don't expect everyone to love these songs as much as I do.

The reason I pick this song as a beautiful song is not because of its music, although it has a sweet beat, but more for the words of the song. I am a huge fan of poetry, I may not get it all but I still love to read it. This song is pure poetry in the best form that poetry should be displayed in. In fact a lot of Aesop Rock's older songs are pretty much poems set to words.
Aesop Rock - Daylight

Flashpap'r was a local band I was fortunate enough to see perform live many years ago. This song is probably one not everyone will enjoy, it's a little emo and whiny, but, I had to include it. The music is rings with a soft melancholy sting section with a simply strummed guitar that sometimes seems to wander off every now and then making the song seem perfect yet not too perfect. I think the best part is how the song blooms with each build up and then deflates at the end. I could see a time lapsed video of the life of a flower going along with this song. Easily a song that can be played cranked up or at a low volume and still sounds great.
Flashpap'r - White Flowers (No Longer Available)

I do not speak french at all but this is seriously one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. If you have ever seen the movie "Rushmore" you may recognize this song. I tried to get a translation of the lyrics from off of the web, but I had no luck. I did come across a forum topic that gave a pretty good description for what the song was about and loosely translated lyrics. Yves Montand has such smooth silky vocals and plays a lighter than air twinkling piano. Listening to this song is the equivalent of feeling the softest thing in the world.
Yves Montand - Rue St Vincent

Phoenix has been around for a long time now but recently has gained a lot of notoriety with it's recent release Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix. The band takes a lot of influence from the 80's electro rock genre, which means you can dance most of their stuff. And I do. However they also create moody landscapes that are nothing short of amazing. This is one of my favorite tracks by them. I highly suggest watching the sun set or rise to this song, as the title points out.
Phoenix - Love Like A Sunset

I can't say that I have ever been a big Jeff Buckley fan. From the little I have heard I wasn't that impressed with, maybe I never gave him a fighting chance. The one thing that did really impress me though were his lyrics. Especially to the song Hallelujah. I am sure everyone has heard this at some point in their life and if not you NEED to listen to this song. Part of my bias could also be that the first time I heard it, it was sung by the golden chords of one Mr. Rufus Wainwright. I get chills every time I hear it.
Rufus Wainwright - Hallelujah (Jeff Buckley cover)

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