
Since I have a lot of free time on my hands I do a lot of riding the waves of data and I read an article about this new teaching tool called Flocabulary. It's a learning tool that uses hip hop as a form of retention. They take subjects such as math, english, history and science put them into really well crafted rap songs. Vocabulary is aimed at grades 5-8 and, as cheezy as it all sounds, the rap songs are actually very good. Not only do they cover subjects like Martin Luther King, environmental studies, and vocabulary words but they cover SAT words and classic poetry like Poe and Shakespeare. The article I found was about the rap song they did for Edgar Allen Poe's The Cask of Amontillado. The rap is almost word for word. Check it out.
Dillon Maurer - The Cask of Amontillado (Poe) (No Longer Available)

In my last post I mentioned a site that was home to a slew of mashups. I am a fiend for mashups and those are all really good mashups but every now and then you come across a real stinker. I decided I need to raise my nose a little bit and turn on the arrogance a bit and show what the differences are between a good mashup and a bad mashup. Well thankfully I kept a few around, I don't know why, Maybe I was unconsciously expecting to do a post like this. Well at least I can get them out of my iTunes now. First one we have is Hotel California In The Fire And Flames. At first I thought this was an awesome mashup idea until I heard it. I love both of these songs (Dragonforce - Through The Fire And Flames and The Eagles - Hotel California) but it just doesn't fit right. The vocals match in the beginning but come the chorus it gets disjointed big time. Just not a good idea to put a super fast song musically with a mellow vocal song. Bleh.
Dragonforce vs The Eagles - Hotel California In The Fire And Flames (No Longer Available)

The other bad mashup I'd like to post is Called Queen Of Da Club which features pits 50 Cent's In Da Club with ABBA's Dancing Queen. Right off the bat you should be able to tell that this is going to be like watching a train wreck. Dancing Queen is a bad song to begin with. I'll give it a little credit because I like it in the same way I like those so bad it's good movies. The only reason to play it is really for comedic purposes. The other very valid point is that it's against the G code to ever listen to this song. In fact I am pretty sure if you are caught listening to this song and you claim any affiliation with the word "Gangsta" you are entitled to an army style soap and pillow case party. Go ahead play this at your next dance party and see how quickly the floor clears. It might be useful for when you want everyone to go home. I don't know why you would want to check these out but they are MTV mashups. That probably will explain everything.
50 Cent vs ABBA - Queen Of Da Club

Lets take a listen to some good mashups shall we?
This is a great mix and I love how it transitions so smoothly from Satisfaction to Spirit Of Radio. then You have the killer vocals of Annie Lennox on Little Bird that just make the song shine like a diamond in the sun. If you like this head on over to Go Home Productions for more.
GHP - Annie Lennox vs. Rolling Stones - Annie's Stoned Rush

This one is a little more pop that what I am used to but I am a huge fan of Tom Petty and I wanted to hear what this song was all about. I really dig the Beyonce lyrics even if they are a little lame. Not because of the meaning behind it, believe me I am all for treating a lady right, but this is a total chick song. However that is the genius of this song come in. You have a song about a boy who breaks hearts and then you have a song about a girl who is thinking "If I were in his shoes..." The traded off vocals make this song so superb but the acoustics of Tom and the vocals of B really bring it all home. Check out DJ Earworm's site for more great mashes.
DJ Earworm - Beyonce vs Tom Petty - If I was a Free Falling Boy

For the past week I have been with out a car. I had a little run in with a telephone pole, actually it was more like a back in. I was at a friends house, which is a new house and I was not used to his driveway. His driveway is a split driveway with a telephone pole and small curb around it. To make a long story short, I was backing out at night and did not remember there was a pole and it put a good sized dent in my drivers side door and ripped on my rear view mirror. Just to answer you question no I was not drunk. So I had to get it fixed. My family, as great as they are, had been nice enough to rescue me a few time to get me out of the house. I was at my sisters one day, and at the end of my hang out time she was kind enough to drive me back to my apartment. Of course I brought my phone with me and even though I had it in my hands I somehow set it down and left without it. I say my goodbyes and walk to the door and then realize that I don't have my phone on me. I look to see if my sister has left the driveway yet just in time to see her tail lights disappear behind a building. I instantly panic and think "Oh I will just call her and tell her to turn around." A second later I come to the conclusion that, the scenario would be great if I had my phone! I once again panic and my feet start to run without me even knowing what is going on. Here I am in the middle of downtown running as fast as I can down the sidewalk waving my arms looking like a crazy person. Thankfully downtown where I live has plenty of stop signs and I didn't have to chase her down to far. I caught up with her huffing and puffing like I was in cardiac arrest while both my Sister and Nephew are cracking up. I am so glad I caught her because without my phone I would have had now way to know when my car was done.
Sunset Rubdown - You Go On Ahead (Trumpet Trumpet II)

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