Before we continue I need to let you all know that I have switched server hosts for my files. What does this mean to you? You can now hear a song before you download it, where as before you had to download the song with out listening to it. I did this because I know sometimes when I am looking through other Music Blogs I find some songs that I don't like after I downloaded them, it's a waste of my computer space and time. Normally sites want you to download them because it clogs up their servers and that is the reason some web sites take forever to load. However the host I am using has made the option available to preview the song before downloading it. All you have to do is click on the link and it will take you to a page that has a mini player on it and you just click play and it will begin the song. I could make it so that the mini player is right on the blog but it looked really ugly. So until I find a pretty way to make songs playable directly from ROPBOP, this is how it goes.
Brad's dying summer wishes 07 mini play list
Har-Mar Superstar - E-Z Pass (No Longer Available, But This Is)
Jill Sobule - Hot In Here (Nelly Cover)
King Harvest - Dancing In The Moonlight
Grandaddy - Now It's On
LCD Soundsystem - All My Friends
Feist - Feel It All
I was brought up on country music. Weather I like it or not it's in my blood. There are so many songs that bring back memories of my childhood. I do like country music. However the only country music I like is that stuff I was brought up on. My dad was a huge George Strait fan. I always loved this sad sappy sucker.
George Strait - When Did You Stop Loving Me
Question: What did the redneck say to George Strait?
Answer: "A tear in your beer makes you a queer, cowboy up!"
Garth Brooks - Rodeo (No Longer Available)
Verse Chorus Verse Chorus Solo Verse Chorus Repeat. Boring Boring Boring, says the Microphones/mt.eerie. Possibly one of the strangest bands I have ever heard. Their shtick is crazy song arrangement. Theses folks have tons of albums out. All of them very strange. Great for repeated listens.
The Microphones - The Glow Pt. 2
I hate waking up. I usually reset my alarm at least twice before I actually get up. There are those mornings though when your alarm goes off and you just lay in bed and it's the perfect song to start your day to. I remember one morning waking up to The Beatles singing "Here Comes The Sun". The rest of my day was great. Start your day out great, add this little tune to your morning. I'll be singing this one in the morning myself if I don't go to bed now.
Little Wings - Uh-Oh(It's Morning Time Again) (No Longer Available)