The other night I rented a movie called Trailer Park Boys: The Movie. I saw it early in the morning on Comedy Central but was only able to catch the first 15 minutes or so before I fell asleep (not because the movie was boring, more from a night of drinking with friends). I remember it was really funny and had this guy who reminded me of Milton from office space named Bubbles(pictured above). I forgot about it for a long time and recently came across it at Ballbuster...*ahem* I mean Blockbuster. It's done by the same guys who did Old School, and although it's not as funny as Old School, it's still a great movie and has Canadian accents. I watched it two days in a row and it just keeps getting better and better. I am sure it's one of those movies that grows on you like Napoleon Dynamite. Anyway, go rent it. There is one scene that had a great song by 70's canadian band April Wine. This song has been slowly crawling it's way to the top of my playlist. I don't know if it's the trippy stoned out vibe of the song or the thought of seeing a trashy babe strutting to this song in a trailer park but I am a April Wine fan. P.S. Not only is Trailer Park Boys a movie but it's also a great TV show.
April Wine - I'm On Fire For You Baby
Billy Bragg has been making his often politically charged and romanticized music for over 30 years. Bragg was born in in Barking, Essex, England and started out in the punk/pub scene with the band Riff Raff. The band put out a few releases but never gained that much of a following. After deciding that the music career was not panning out he joined the British Army but after completing his training he bought his way out and decided to give the music career another try. Bragg began steadily touring playing solo shows. He solicited his demo tape to labels but got no response. That is until he pretended to be a TV repairman and got into the offices of he got into the office of Charisma Records. The record company liked his demo but they were not financially able to help him. He got an offer to record more demos from a music publisher and Charisma agreed to release them as an album. Bragg also caught a lucky break when famous BBC radio DJ John Peel, announced on air that he was hungry. Bragg who was listening ran to the BBC studios with a mushroom biryani. In return Peel played one of Braggs songs, however he played it at the wrong speed. Peel said that he would have played the song with out the food (which is a pretty sweet compliment) and played it later at the correct speed. The rest as they say is history. Bragg went on to record many songs both solo and with a band. He also has collaborated with Wilco, where they wrote music for penned Woody Guthrie songs. I first heard this song(Little Time Bomb) as a cover by Kind Of Like Spitting. I wouldn't find out it was a cover until years later, but that has not changed the way I feel about the song. When I first heard it I was struck by the lyrics. This song also includes one of my favorite lines "As the juke box says 'It's All Over Now'" In fact "as the jukebox says" was almost the title of this music blog. I beg you please check out Billy Bragg if you like music at all. I suggest either Back To Basics or Must I Paint You A Picture.
Billy Bragg - Time Bomb (No Longer Available, But This Is)
The Dodos hail from San Francisco, CA, and it shows in their music. It's cool, experimental, and catchy like a cold. The main thing you'll notice right away is the drumming. Metric Long (thats right his names is Metric) and Logan Kroeber both have a distinct love of the drums. Long has a interest in West African drumming and Kroeber has a progressive metal history. This band is making waves and they're ready to crush you. I didn't know what to think of this song at first. I think because the drums were so up front through out the whole song I focused on them and didn't pay attention to anything else this song had to offer. I can safely say that I love this song and it's been one of my summer anthems.
The Dodos - Red And Purple
I don't know much about Jamie T. He's a new comer around the states but he's been gaining fame in his homeland of London. I love this song because it's another one of those party songs. It's bouncy, and has a high pitched chorus that you can sing with (once you translate the thick accent). It might make you look like a fool singing it but man is it fun.
Jamie T - Sticks and Stones
I'll leave this post with a great pop song that always brightens up my day when I hear it. It's got positive lyrics, a great guitar hook, and it's meant to be cranked! Remember it takes less muscle use to smile than frown, have a great day!
The Holloways - Generator