I put my itunes on random and away we go.
Sometimes I think about scoring things, and I mean scoring in the musical sense. I am always thinking of what song would be good for a certain situation. I am pretty sure that was the same thinking behind this song and band. Someone was at a high school football game repeating after cheerleaders and thought "Man if I could combine this all into some sort of music score it would be great.
The Go! Team - Huddle Formation
Everytime I listen to this band I want to sit on a old wooden porch overlooking a field and sip some spiked lemonade. This song is way faster paced than most of their songs. I guess that's one of the reasons they call it a rocking chair.
The Avett Brothers - Gimmeakiss
Get out your wingtip shoes, throw on a fedora, or put on your best twrilin' dress cause it's time to do some jitter buggin'. This crazy cat knows how to blow, man. Some good ol' be bop jazz saxaphone style.
Gene Ammons - Jivin' Around (No Longer Available)
I honestly have never listened to this song before and I don't have much to say about it. I have heard some songs by the Wave Pictures before and I really like them. This song seems to be pretty fun and like the last song has a sax-a-ma-phone!
The Wave Pictures - Bumble Bee (No Longer Available)
Yup this one is an oldie, back when R&B was actually rhythm and blues. Someday I would love to host a party where I just play old hip wigglers like this. You know like in that movie Dirty Dancing where the chick carries watermelons and they are doing their naughty dances. It'd be a riot!
Banny Price - You Love Me Pretty Baby
I find this song a little repetitive in the lyric department for my taste, but I can not get over the singers velvety delivery. I love the bass line and the drums, it's a killer combo. I like how it's just a chill sort of sad song but it's got a beat that doesn't make you feel way depressed. The song has a very unique ending to. Not to sure I am digging the name choice for the band. It reminds me too much of that Common song. At any rate, it's still a pretty good vibey song.
Electric Wire Hustle - They Don't Want Me