"And all my friend were vampires
Didn't know they were vampires
Turns out I was a vampire myself
In the Devil Town"
Seriously What more do you need?
Daniel Johnston - Devil Town
Just a creepy song all together...
CocoRosie - Werewolf
For some reason when I listen to this song I can't help myself from replaying the scene from Kill Bill Vol.2 where Beatrix is buried alive. It just has that trapped/need to escape sort of feeling. Very tense.
Fabrizio Cammarata And The Second Grace - Alone And Alive
I am a HUGE lost fan, even though it was a crapshoot ending. One of the things I loved so much about the show was the score, especially when something creepy or action packed would happen in the show. That is when you got the best music.
Michael Giacchino - Monsters Are Such Interesting People
This is for when you are really drunk off apple cider and whiskey, you're missing half of your costume, and you want to dance.
Felguk - Unleash The Scary Side (Skrillex vs Dada Life vs Dirtyloud)
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