You should probably take a ride with Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. Reppin' some mitten state pride!
Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. - Vocal Chords
I have had no desire to see the movie Breakfast At Tiffany's until recently. I came across this clip while cruising around youtube. I watched another clip or two from the movie and now I sort of want to see it. Even if the movie is boring, at least I get to watch a young and smoking hot, Audry Hepburn. I also have never been a big fan of this song, it's so boring. I still am not a huge fan of the song, but this definitely gets my stamp of approval.
You might not recognize the name Spence Krug, but if you are familiar with indie music you just might recognize his voice. Spencer has been the lead singer for Sunset Rubdown, Wolf Parade and many others. Since Wolf Parade is on indefinite hiatus status, Krug has gone solo and taken to a more synthesized experimental sound. Personally, it takes me a few listens to really begin to love anything from Krug, he makes the kind of songs that grows on you. I don't say that as a slam to him or his music. In fact that is more of a compliment than anything. There are a few songs I like instantly, but for the most part, that is how it works with me. When I do come around though, I end up loving the songs. This is one of those songs. This guy can write some damn good lyrics too.
Moonface - Fast Peter
A few mornings ago I successfully made scrambled eggs and bacon. This is a feat I have been trying to accomplish since my Mom stopped cooking for me. I always end up burning everything. I gave it another try and before I started I got online and watched a how to video. I don't know why I never thought of that before. God, I love the internet.
Rainer Maria - Breakfast Of Champions
The first time I heard the beginning of this song I thought I was listening to Never Tear Us Apart by INXS, which then made find that song so I could add it to my collection. I would have bought this too, but she doesn't have an album out yet. If she keeps putting sick beats and inspiring lyrics like this, I will definitely add her to my collection. Pepper you are on the Bradar!
Pepper - Wish It Away
Interesting fact: The lead vocalist and drummer for the band The Big F, were also in the band Berlin. That's right, the same Berlin who did Take My Breath Away. Only to disassociate themselves with that band, they used fake names. You can understand why after listening to this song. Trust me, this is nothing like Take My Breath Away. Enjoy!
The Big F - Idiot Kid Heads Out