Banjo Or Freakout - Upside Down
A while ago I came across this site called Omegle which is a sort of chat client where you connect with a random stranger and chat. No names, no joining anything, it just connects you to someone and you talk to them. I got bored and decided to try it and see what it was all about. Well the first person I met was a college student from Latvia who turned out to be a lot of fun to talk to. We talked about music and books, she gave me a few links to some Latvian music and I gave her links to some American music. I am pretty sure the person was a she, it didn't really come up. The email address name looked like a girls name, but I could be wrong. Either way they were cool and I am going to keep saying she for now until I know for sure, and if I get it wrong I'll change it and apologize profusely. She is studying something like international cultural relations. Which I said sounded really cool and they said it was really hard. I asked her what she thought about Americans and told her to be brutal if need be and she pretty much said what I would expect. Americans eat a lot of junk food and have obesity issues and seem to rule the world some way or another. She said that our president is cool, but other than that had never had a chance to talk to or meet a real American. I think I did well in representing our country though. We traded e-mail addresses so hopefully I can get a little more insight to the world beyond the USA.
Brainstorm - Years And Seconds
I thought it was pretty cool so I tried it again. After a few failed attempts to get a conversation going I came across some rude little punk form the States. He was being pretty vulgar hurling insults at me. I didn't want to go out like a punk so I decided to join in and fight back. Mostly I would have just disconnected but I was really bored. It went back and fourth for a while until I mentioned music. Then he started to be civil and we actually had a neat chat about music and movies. The kid knew his stuff too. I just thought it was funny how the conversation flipped. Here is a portion of the exchange. Let me set a little background first by letting you know I told him I was a zombie at one point and when the conversation first started he(Stranger) made a comment about my mom having male genitalia.
Stranger: You know what's even more dirtier than my sister? Your toes. they stink!
You: yeah your right, I don't take showers
You: and I am dead
You: ya know cause I'm a zombie and all
Stranger: and on top of all that your not funny
You: neither are immature people who can't even be nice
You: I weep for your generation
You: but I understand
You: you gotta let off steam somehow
You: i guess I'd rather have it be some random person online than a person in real life
Stranger: Dude, you expect to get compassion form a stranger? I weep for your generation.
You: I'm not looking for compassion
You: I'm looking for decency
You: civility
You: but like I said i get it
You: how old are you like 9
Stranger: I'm 18.
You: figures
Stranger: how old are you?
You: 30
You: 1979
Stranger: Ah, I see. what do you hope to accomplish at this site at 30 year old?
You: I'm bored out of my skull and I stumbled upon this site a while ago and thought I'd see what it's all about. Besides I didn't see age restrictions. I talked to people of all ages on here before.
You: I just talked with a pretty rad person from Latvia and they gave me links to some pretty sweet music, I learned a little about Latvia that I had not know before
Stranger: aww. what kind of music do you like?
You: your moms moaning
You: and thriller by Michale Jackson
You: you know because I am a zombie and all
You: we like to dance
Stranger: lmao. is that how a 30 year old acts now and days?
You: can't take your own medicine?
You: I like everything
You: not so much classical
Stranger: okay that's great
Stranger: but seriously, I really think your a pedophile.
You: Well your wrong, not everyone is a pedo. You could be one for all I know.
You: Besides I told you, I'm a zombie. The only think I like is brains and dancing.
Stranger: figures.
You: Jesus, don't you read
You: Are you high?
Stranger: are you gay?
You: no
You: zombies aren't gay
Stranger: I did, but see I also read your 30, so....
You: and what is wrong with being 30?
Stranger: Nothing is wrong, but saying your a zombie is retarded.
You: so is saying "your moms dick"(referring to the comment he made at the start of the conversation that provoked all of this)
Stranger: we passed that stage already but I see someone is really slow.
Stranger: Yeah, but as you can see I stopped
Stranger: and you still haven't so I guess at this stage I am more mature than you.
You: Oh, ok so now you want to be civil?
You: cool
You: I'll be civil
You: I'm not really a zombie
Stranger: Yeah I guessed that.
You: but I do like the song thriller
You: and I don't know your mom or sister but I am sure they are great people
Stranger: And I'm sure you mom is as well
Stranger: and she doesn't have a dick.
From then on it was a pretty cool conversation. I admit I did act immature but, he deserved it. Maybe he'll have a little more respect next time. Probably not though.
HorrorPops - Walk Like A Zombie
Jay Brannan - Zombie (Cranberries Cover)
I posted an entry or two back about how my hit count sky rocketed. It went from something like 300 to 11,900 in less than a week. At first I was all geeked because I read the number wrong and thought it was at 1,000 which is still a pretty drastic spike. However now I am certain that it was all a lie. Like I said I didn't change the counter or mess with the HTML code to make it show that, but I am pretty sure something got screwed up somewhere. Since I posted that I have had maybe 50 hits if that. I'm not one to really care how many people read this blog, I mean I'd like it if they did, but if only a devoted few read it I'm more than happy. At least I know someone is reading it. I just thought I needed to clear that up. I don't want people thinking I'm living in some fantasy world where I have crowned myself with the status of a music blog king. I'm more humble than that. I still do thank each and every one of you for reading though. You rock!
Free Energy - Free Energy