A few days ago I saw a facebook post by a friend of mine linking to this mashup mix called Jaydiohead. Basicily it is Jay-Z mixed with Radiohead, sort of like the DJ Dangermouse Gray Album. I checked it out and it had a few interesting tracks but nothing that blew my socks off. I'm a big Jay-Z fan but not so much of a Radiohead fan. Don't get me wrong I think OK Computer and Kid A are great albums and I like Thom Yorke, but I can really only handle Radiohead in small doses most of the time. So I kept a few songs that I liked on my Ipod and left it at that. Last while trying to fall asleep I put on my headphones and this song came on. It was dark, there was a little bit of lightning in the sky, and a orange glow from the street lamps. Jay-Z rapping made the scene feel hard and shady which complemented the lightning and shaddows well. What really made it perfect was the soft acoustic guitar and the chorus buy Thom. It was the orange glow, it was the damp air, it was what added the eerie yet relaxing effect. I have to say that I have listened to this song about 20 times in the last 24 hours. It also prompted me to re-listen to all those other Radiohead tracks in my collection that had been collecting dust. I am proud to say that I have been converted into a Radiohead fan forever. Thank you Minty Fresh Beats. Listen to this track and then go check out the rest here
Jaydiohead - Change Order
I know I posted my Michael Jackson tribute the other day but I have been checking out the blogs and there have been a lot of great MJ covers and remixes that have surfaced. I simply can not go with out posting this outstanding remix from The Hood Internet. These guys do amazing mashups and remixes and I highly suggest checking out their work.
The Hood Internet - Billie "Wildcat" Jean (Michael Jackson vs Ratatat)
Well Since I did two mash ups I might as well do a third, as they say the third times a charm. Or two out of three ain't bad. You be the judge. This one features Dead Prez's normally hardcore rap song about the state of rap, aptly titled Hip-Hop. If you love rap and don't know about Dead Prez I suggest you get on the ball and start listening to good rap instead of all that radio junk. The mashing also includes a song from the newest album Veckatimest by indie masterminds Grizzly Bear called Two Weeks. Both songs alone are stellar and worth looking into but when mixed in the same bowl you get one hell of feel good for the summer anthem. I have to laugh because I wasn't sure who did this song and I found out it is also done by The Hood Internet which makes sense why it is so good. Well I already typed all this so I'm not going to delete it.
The Hood Internet - Two Weeks Of Hip Hop (Grizzly Bear Vs. Dead Prez)
Since I did a bunch of mash ups I'll do a few non dance/rapesque cover songs. The first one I want to do is a laid back version of I Fought The Law (And The Law Won) by Bell X1 who also does an excellent cover of Like I Love You by Justin Timberlake. Straight acoustic,and calmly sung it gives the song a real defeated sound.
Bell X1 - I Fought The Law(And The Law Won)(Clash Cover)
So I just pulled out a few of my cover mix CD's with a song in mind and ended listening to the whole CD, which I am currently doing. Now I can't decide what song to post because there are so many great selections. I guess in the future I am going to have to do a few more cover entries. I decided to go with something light like the previous song. So here is one of my favorite John Denver covers done beautifully by Chantal Kreviazuk.
Chantal Kreviazuk - Leaving On A Jet Plane (John Denver)
Even though I am not a huge fan of U2, I do think they produce some astounding songwriting. This happens to be one of the few songs I don't mind hearing Bono belt out. However this is a cover song, not an original and I should stay focused. This live track is just as good as the original. I am pretty sure it was recorded on the BBC, but I could be wrong. I love the DJ at the end. Way to go douche bag.
Kenna - With Or Without You (U2 Cover) (No Longer Available)