In the city I live in has an awesome college radio station. No commercials, funny DJ's, and playlists that never seem to end. Most of the time it's really good music, not your typical college radio, although sometimes they play the Ben Harpers and DMBs. During the summer they just play music pretty much non-stop from some sort of program filled with great music. The problem is that I always hear sweet songs that I love and because they don't have a DJ I never know what song or artist is playing. I try as hard as I can to listen to the lyrics so I can look them up on the net when I get home but most of the time I end up forgetting them. I recently got smart and put a pen and paper in my car (where I listen the most) so I can write the lyrics down, or I carry my DSi and just record myself saying the lyrics. This is one of the songs I was lucky enough to jot down. I just found about Art Brut so I don't know much about him. I do know that this song caught my ear because of the child like nostalgia it brought me. It keeps reminding me that as old as I am I am still always going to be that kid who loves superheros, video games, and cartoons.
Art Brut - DC Comics And Chocolate MilkshakesVideo games have come so far. You now have crazy graphics, revolutionary control schemes, and just about any kind of music you could want to use. I remember when video game music used to be 8-bit blips and beeps. I was researching old video game music the other day and I came across this site that had an archive of old video game music. It was all sorted by level and rated and explained who created it, it was a pretty neat site. I never played Mega Man 3 but it has one of the most revered soundtracks in retro gaming. I fell in love with this song and as I was listening to it I had thought "Man, it would be sweet to start a video game music cover band." Then I remembered how much of a nerd I already am. I think this song would be awesome played with a few electric guitars or even better played with a few acoustic guitars.
Ogeretsu Kun, Manami Ietel & Yuukichan's Papa - Mega Man 3 Dr. Willys Castle (First Half)
(No Longer Available)Speaking of video games, a Guitar Hero Game is where I first heard this band. It's typical I would love this band. Emo vocals, dark and moody music, neat time changes, etc. At first I hated most of this band's songs. After repeated listens though I began to like them. I remember this song was rated as two stars in my Itunes, a week later it was three, then a few days later it was 4, and then, 5.
Silversun Pickups - There's No Secrets This YearI know I recently posted a track by Passion Pit, but I have to hump their leg one more time. This band is absolutely fantastic! As soon as I get paid I will be going to my local record store and buying their new album Manners. It's the perfect sound for summer. Take their feel good dancey sound and add some sweet rap lyrics to bump and you got your self a sugary sunshine banger. Also any song with a Jesse Katsopolis/Full House name drop deserves credit.
Chiddy Bang - Truth (Feat. Passion Pit)
I love dogs. They are great pets and I really wish I had one. However I do not like cleaning up after them. I have a lot of gross stories from dogs puking while I was eating breakfast to this delightful story. I was dog sitting for my Dad while they were on vacation and they had three dogs. I let them out before going to bed and they did their duty and I put them in their dog room and went to bed. I awoke at 5 am to the sound of them barking (not an uncommon thing since my parents get up ass early). So I got up to let them out so they would shut up and I found the most disgusting scene I could ever imagine. I won't go into too much detail but I will say this it was everywhere and not solid. I have had this one in my collection for a long time, like 10 years or something like that. Hi-Standard are a Japanese punk 3 piece that started back in 1992 when punk was starting to become popular. They were signed to Fat Wreck Chords which was a great punk label, and it was founded by Fat Mike of the punk band NOFX. This song is from one of the many compilations released by the label. This song always cracks me up and lets me know that I'm not the only one who had to go through the that shit. Pardon the lame pun.
Hi-Standard - My Sweet Dog