In fact it's one of those so bad it's good type of movies...well for most anyway. The kicker of this movie though is what floored me, and I didn't catch it right away. One of the lead characters in the film is one miss Deborah Gibson. No, your eyes did not deceive you, I said Deborah, Used to be Debbie, Gibson. The same singer who had a tremendous following in the 80's with such albums as Out Of The Blue and Electric Youth. The morning show got a chance to interview her and she was so nice and self-deprecating when it came to the movie. She explained that she knew it was not going to be a academy award winner but got money and a little bit of an acting career going. I have yet to see this movie but I am pretty sure you can watch it on youtube. Just be warned it's really really bad. Another cool bit of info on her is that she has perfect pitch. That means she can hear a note and tell you exactly what note is being played. She also mentioned that she does not need instruments around her when composing music, she can hear it in her head. Which I think is so neat. She also got a nod, if you want to call it that, from Weezer on their Red album (this is the best song from the album and a great all around album at that). The song is called Heart Songs and the lyric goes something like this Debbie Gibson, tell me that you think we're all alone. If you think about it Debbie didn't sing "I Think We're Alone Now". It was Tiffany. Deborah also explained that she gets it all the time where fans confuse her with Tiffany. Lame! Well Debbie, I'm not one of them cause you and me, we're staying together. P.S. Weezer has a new CD out called Raditude and you can get a fancy Weezer Snuggie to boot. Deborah Gibson also has put out some albums since the 80's and they don't come with a Snuggie but come on it's Debbie Gibson, she's gorgeous!
Weezer - Heart Songs
A few days ago I went mix crazy and made a few mix CD's for some friends of mine and just some for personal use. The first mix was for a friends birthday which I can't talk much about because she might read this and I have yet to give her the mix. Which means I can't post the tracklist or a song from the mix just yet...Ok maybe just one. This song is for sure going to be in my "Soundtrack To Brads Life Mix" just as a joke of course.
The Dollyrots - Because I'm Awesome
The second mix I made was for my own collection. I was going through my music collection and I came across this old tape I made in the 90's called Love Songs In The Key Of Punk. The name is pretty obvious what the mix was but it had The Dead Milkmen's "Punk Rock Girl", Goldfinger's "Here In Your Bedroom" and The Mr. T Experience song "You're The Only One" among others. I realized that I didn't have many "love songs" in my collection. I have a lot of songs about love in general but nothing about truly being in love. So I did some searching and I found some GREAT tunes. Here are some of my favorites.
This song will give you the shivers...haha
The Shivers - Beauty
"But I would never kiss anyone, who doesn't burn me like the sun" WOW!
Jens Lekman - And I Remember Every Kiss
Nice falling for you type of song.
Lykke Li - Little Bit
Other honorable mentions..
Lamb - Gorecki
Yo La Tengo - Autumn Sweater
The Knife - Heartbeats
6ths - You You You You You
The Velvet Underground & Nico - I'll Be Your Mirror
The other mix I made was titled "Folk You! A Musical Journey Into Indie Country With Brad" At first it was just a random song mix for a friend then after listening to it I noticed that it was a lot of folk, country and blues sounding stuff. You know it had that twang factor. So I decided to scrap out the non twang songs and make a great mix for dusty roads and rockers on porches. I liked this mix so much I burned a copy for myself. Here is the full track list with a few songs you can listen to.
Lucero - What are You Willing To Lose?
The Low Anthem - The Horizon Is A Beltway
Kings Of Leon - Genius
Ryan Adams - To Be Young (Is to be sad, Is To Be High)

Mumford And Sons - Roll Away Your Stone
The Avett Brothers - Colorshow
Eddie Rabbit - I Love A Rainy Night
JJ Cale - Fancy Dancer
The Old Crow Medicine Show - Wagon Wheel
Frank Turner - The Real Damage
Madeline - White Flag
Neva Dinova - Love From Below (No Longer Available, But This Is)
Dear Tick - Nebraska (Bruce Springsteen Cover)
The Mountain Goats - Thank You Mario But Our Princess Is In Another Castle
Neko Case - Star Witness
Loudon Wainwright III - Daughter

The Tallest Man On Earth - I Won't Be Found
P.S. If you ever want to listen to a song that I mention but don't post this is always a good place to look.