Welcome to the first post of Rop Bop. I haven't decided if I am going to make this a total music blog or not. I will put a few tracks up with every post regardless. I do have to tell you first and foremost that the tracks posted on here are for listening purposes only. If you do decided to download a track you are liable, not I. The tracks will only be up for a short time. If any tracks are infringing on any copyrights let me know and I will take them down immediately. If you would like to contact me you can do so by e-mailing me at Ropbopblog@yahoo.com. I do take suggestions if you know of a good band, however it is up to me weather they go no my blog or not. Most likely I'll give a link or something. One last suggestion is that if you like the band for the love of all that is holy go buy the album. Support the music and buy local.
I am on vacation right now, actually about 3 days into it. So far I have managed to sleep a lot, spend a lot, and not get too much done. However I am making sure I do at least one productive thing a day. Yesterday I went shopping for groceries, this morning I got up and mopped the floors in our house. My other plan for the day is to get my laundry done. I really hate going to the laundry mat. I usually bring my Nintendo DS and play Tetris, but lately I haven't because kids love video games and there are always kids at the laundromat. They like to gather around me to watch. I really don't like people looking over my shoulder (Got that from my mom) and I really don't like feeling kool-aid breath all up on me. Ugh. Don't get me wrong here I like kids, me nephew rocks, and I understand there is nothing else cool going on, so naturally if someone is playing video games or watching TV they want in too. So now I just bring my magazine. Boring adult stuff. Take that kids!
Master P Feat. Tru - I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me
My Awesome Mixtape - Me And The Washing Machine
CSS - Music Is My Hot Sex
The National - Mr. November