This song by the Forecast was on the radio for about two seconds, which I don't even think is enough time to even call it a one hit wonder, which is a shame. This song is what makes listening to the radio good. It's catchy, it's easy to learn, and it is clean and crisp. The band definitely falls into that emo sub genre with a sound similar to fellow band such as The Get Up Kids and Braid. They also make great use of two and three part male/female harmonies. The Forecast might have been a little to emo sounding for the masses, but I'll take these Peoria, Illinois rockers over a Nickelback (puke) song any day of the week. The albums In the Shadow of Two Gunmen and Late Night Conversations are great sounding and should be given a chance for any fan of emo music.
The Forecast - And We All Return To Our Roots
Herman Dune is not a single guy. Actually the band started out as a trio back in 1991 with Siblings André and David-Ivar Herman Düne(guitars and vocals) and original drummer Omé, now replaced by Néman Herman Düne (drums and sometimes backing vocals). The band has since become a duo as André had left the band and gone to do solo work under the name of Stanley Brinks. The bands sound has been described as anti-folk. However if I would label them anything would say they crank out some pretty catchy acoustic indie pop. The band has a very obvious playful side in both lyrics and music. I am sure it would be a delight to see this band preform live. A small factoid, the band was invited and played a live christmas session at the house of the legendary John Peel. Pretty big deal I'd say. I have been a fan for a while now and hope you will be to.
Herman Dune - Try to Think About Me (Don't You Worry A Bit)
Dolores O'Riordan really needs no introduction at all. You might not recognize her name but you'll for sure recognize her voice. Dolores was the lead singer for the oh so popular alternative band the Cranberries who just reunited this year and are touring now. I had no idea that O'Riordan had solo stuff out until this past week when I found this track. As I listened to it for the first time I had no clue who she was and I thought "Man, this sounds so familiar!" I couldn't put mt finger on it right away and it took a few listens for me to figure it out. When I found out who it was I broke out my old Cranberries CD's and gave them a spin. I can't say I love her voice, but it's definitely distinct and something different from the norm. I really like it in small doses, but I couldn't listen to it for hours on end. Either way this song is pretty.
Dolores O'Riordan - Stupid
(January 8, 1815) a largely symbolic but still significant engagement which ended the War of 1812. On December 23, one day before the signing of the Treaty of Ghent, Gen. Andrew Jackson, commanding a force made up of army regulars, New Orleans's free blacks, three state militias, and the pirates of Barataria, tried to fend off the British. The British, who were trying to relieve military pressure on Canada and improve their status during peace negotiations, attacked on January 8. American artillery shelled the British, who suffered 2, 400 casualties, while the Americans lost only seventy men. That, my friends, called, in the words of Charlie, "Going America All Over Everybodys Ass." I'm not one to condone war at all, but that is a pretty interesting story. Every interesting story needs an interesting song. Who better to make one than the long standing country-folk-rock veterans The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. Even if you don't like country this song is great fun to listen to.
The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - The Battle Of New Orleans
I had a really hard time deciding which 30h!3 song to post so I am going to post two of my favorites. Both are by no means the usual indie-never-to-be-played-on-the-radio songs usually found here. These songs are energetic, fun and, "like, totally for the TRL generation." The lyrics are on the immature side and insanely catchy. It's the kind of songs that you will get in your head and you say "Good lord, why won't it go away!" but secretly you love it. The one saving grace is KiD CuDi spitting on one of the songs. That dude is the shizznit, and Katy Perry is cute. Not sure if that makes the song better but, ya know.
3oh!3 - Don't Trust Me feat. KiD CuDi (Remix)
3oh!3 - Starstrukk (Featuring Katy Perry)