I'm feeling rather random today and I decided to put my iTunes on shuffle and post the first few songs it gave me.
When I get a batch of new music that I need to listen to I usually just throw 20 so songs on a playlist, Listen ti it a few times, and from there ween out the ones I don't like. However when there are ones I don't like I put them into a different playlist I call "Last Plea A.K.A. Please Don't Put Me Down." I do this because sometime you have those songs that grow on you. This is one of them. I really didn't dig Fanfarlo that much. Until one day I was just messing around, doodling in a notebook and this song came on and it made me think of fireworks. Now ever time I hear this song I close my eyes and picture the most awesome fireworks display set to this music.
Fanfarlo - The Walls Are Coming Down(No Longer Available)
Bearbot is not a cute and cuddly metallic automated new toy for your child. It's the next to grab the torch in the party mashup mixtape genre. Like other master masher Girl Talk, Bearbot rocks the party with genius mixes that will keep you dancing until the break of dawn. Crank up the speakers, fill your house with friends and p-a-r-t y? Because you have to.
BearBot - Stunntin' Like My Only Swerving(Lil' Wayne Vs. El Ten Eleven)
Everything about this song is great. In Fact Everything about My Morning Jacket is great. It's genuine and deep and sort of a tear jerker. It sounds like it's recorded in a bathroom or as I like to picture it in a barn. For sure someplace with great acoustics. It's definitely in my all time top 10 songs. I love to follow this song with Jeff Buckleys Hallelujah.
My Morning Jacket - I Will Be There When You Die
Hahahah, I can't believe this one is in my collection. It's total country bumpkin music from the 80's and I LOVE it. I was raised on country music and I don't think I will ever stop liking it no matter how badly I want to. Besides both Conway and Loretta effin' rule compared to country stars nowadays. Listen to that fiddle, makes me want to kick off my converse and and start a jug band.
Conway Twitty & Loretta Lynn - Lousiana Woman, Mississippi Man
My friend once described Low to me as slowcore. Which means slow tempos and minimalist arrangements which describes them to a tee. The Duluth, Minnesota band have cranked out tons of albums and have dreamy chilling male/female vocals. It's one of my favorite groups to listen to while reading or falling asleep.
Low - Sunflower
I want Feist to be my girlfriend. Actually I want any girl who can play an instrument and write songs to be my girlfriend. It'd be so sexy. I had a dream once where I did have a significant other who played acoustic guitar and would ask me what I though of her songs. She'd play sweet little tunes like this one while we drank beers on the back porch. It was great.
Feist - Mushaboom(Live at El Mocambo CBC Studio Session) (No Longer Avaliable, But This Is)
Yeah, get it on!
Sex, sex and more sex. Get to listening and then go get you some!
This is funky little insturmental, well except for the moans, that will probably make you feel a little dirty. But sometimes dirty is good.
Chakachas - Jungle Fever(No Longer Available)
As You can probably guess from the title this one is pretty dirty as well. This one is for the ladies though.
Jean Knight - Do Me
I LOVE this song. It's soulful and happy and oh so popular.
King Floyd - Groove Me Baby
If your not down with the soul or funk, how about some pop punk?
Pepper - Dirty Hot Sex
Ahh, Peaches. So hardcore.
Peaches - Rock The Shocker
And one for the meaningless times.
Ida Maria - I Like You So Much Better When Your Naked
I'm not going to post anymore songs but here are some other really great songs I would suggest checking out. Some of these may be sort of obvious but they are a few of my favorites.
Song from Dirty Dancing. It's the record Swayze puts on the first time he and Jennifer Grey make love. Very sexy, straight from the heart, and pure emotion. Otis is the man.
Otis Redding - These Arms Of Mine
I always will connect this song to Cruel Intentions no matter what but I love this song. It's got a pretty piano and some beautiful lyrics.
The Counting Crows - Color Blind
This song was a staple song for me back in the day when I would be pining for a girl I liked. It's how you don't want the moment to end and the person to leave and it has a great last line that goes "I'm convinced that your from Mars"
The Promise Ring - Picture Postcard
A rap love song that focus on conversation and getting to know one another rather than hittin' skins.
Dead Prez - Mind Sex
This song is what Sir Paul would describe as a silly love song. It's playful as are most Of Montreal songs and the title pretty much sums up the song quite nicely.
Of Montreal - Everything Disappears When You Come Around
Then Of course the obvious one.
Al Green - Here I Am Baby
This is funky little insturmental, well except for the moans, that will probably make you feel a little dirty. But sometimes dirty is good.
Chakachas - Jungle Fever(No Longer Available)
As You can probably guess from the title this one is pretty dirty as well. This one is for the ladies though.
Jean Knight - Do Me
I LOVE this song. It's soulful and happy and oh so popular.
King Floyd - Groove Me Baby
If your not down with the soul or funk, how about some pop punk?
Pepper - Dirty Hot Sex
Ahh, Peaches. So hardcore.
Peaches - Rock The Shocker
And one for the meaningless times.
Ida Maria - I Like You So Much Better When Your Naked
I'm not going to post anymore songs but here are some other really great songs I would suggest checking out. Some of these may be sort of obvious but they are a few of my favorites.
Song from Dirty Dancing. It's the record Swayze puts on the first time he and Jennifer Grey make love. Very sexy, straight from the heart, and pure emotion. Otis is the man.
Otis Redding - These Arms Of Mine
I always will connect this song to Cruel Intentions no matter what but I love this song. It's got a pretty piano and some beautiful lyrics.
The Counting Crows - Color Blind
This song was a staple song for me back in the day when I would be pining for a girl I liked. It's how you don't want the moment to end and the person to leave and it has a great last line that goes "I'm convinced that your from Mars"
The Promise Ring - Picture Postcard
A rap love song that focus on conversation and getting to know one another rather than hittin' skins.
Dead Prez - Mind Sex
This song is what Sir Paul would describe as a silly love song. It's playful as are most Of Montreal songs and the title pretty much sums up the song quite nicely.
Of Montreal - Everything Disappears When You Come Around
Then Of course the obvious one.
Al Green - Here I Am Baby
One Day I went To Ohio. It was So Insane I had to take The First Train Home

Matisyahu - One Day (Live On WMMR's The Preston And Steve Show) (No Longer Available, But This Is)
The Low Anthem are a three piece band from Rhode Island that know how to kick out some blues influenced folksy down home jams. They just released a CD called Oh My God, Charlie Darwin which is such a clever title. The faster songs are rough stomps with vocals that are raw and remind me of a Tom Waits song and the slower songs are beautiful porch sitting back roads driving songs. The first song "To Ohio" is low key and has lyrics like a CSNY song. "The Horizon Is A Beltway" is a song that will have you tapping your toes with it's prominent drum beat and belting (pardon the pun) out the sing along chorus.
The Low Anthem - To Ohio
The Low Anthem - The Horizon Is A Beltway
Discovery is a side project for Vampire Weekend keyboardist and producer Rostam Batmanglij and Ra Ra Riot lead singer Wes Miles. The band is gaining acclaim from music critics all over because of it's synth driven electro-pop. This song is just So Insane as the titles says. It jumps from fast to slow and back again, but what makes it shine is the great sunshiny singing and melodies reminiscent of Passion Pit, and you can never have too much of that. Discovery also have a great cover of I Want You Back by Jackson 5. To check out more about them click here.
Discovery - So Insane
I love songs about going home. They make great road trip songs. I once went to a music festival many years ago where we took a school bus from Michigan to Kentucky straight with few stops. It was not a fun trip, the fest was great but the transportation to and from sucked. It was 90+ degrees and loud. Have you ever tried to sleep on a school bus? It doesn't really work. Anyway I wish I had this new single from Imogen Heap back then. It would have helped a lot. The track First Train Home is the first single from the new album Ellipse which is her third studio album and will be released on August 24th/25th. Hey, thats the same time Matisyahus album drops. Looks like thats going to be a pretty damn good week for new music. The other track I have for you is a remix of my favorite Imogen Heap song, Hide And Seek.
Imogen Heap - First Train Home
Imogen Heap - Hide And Seek (Enigma Remix)
In my effort to make things more accessible, I have decided that I am going to try and post links to the bands websites that I post about. That way if you like them you can find out information about them, upcoming shows and where to buy their albums. I don't think I'll post links for iTunes or Amazon but you can always use those great services too.
Throwin the covers all night...
The way I see it cover songs can go one of two ways. Either they outshine the original or fail miserably. To be honest I don't think I ever heard a cover of a song that I thought was alright. I guess I'm a harsh critic on the subject. I love cover songs and figured I would share a few of my favorites.
We'll start off with one I recently discovered. The song is by The Hold Steady who are my second favorite band. Bonus! It's also a cover of a Bruce Springsteen song, who I also hold quite high up on the cool meter. Double Bonus! To top it all off Atlantic City is from my favorite Bruce album Nebraska. Triple Bonus! I couldn't think of a more perfect band to cover the boss either.
The Hold Steady - Atlantic City (Bruce Springsteen Cover)
I have had this song for sooo long and I never tire of hearing it. I first heard this song on a Fat Wreck Chords compilation called Survival Of The Fattest, which is filled with some great punk rock songs. Sadly I lost the CD a long time ago but I had managed to keep this track on an old mix I made. Get ready to rock. I suggest going down a country road really fast while listening to this or while driving amongst cornfields on a highway. Reminds me of driving to Colorado.
Me First And The Gimmie Gimmies - Country Roads (John Denver Cover)
Again I am going to let out some secret that will more than likely ruin what little coolness I have. I really dig Breathe by Taylor Swift. I think she's pretty talented and she's not all fake *coughMileyCyruscough* My sister introduced me to this song and I think part of why I like it is because my nephew knows every word and it's cute when he sings it. I don't know much about Boyce Avenue but I looked them up on youtube and they do a lot of cover songs. I listened to a few others and the few I heard sort of sounded pretty much the same. Slowed down and sappy songs that woo the girls, but I might go back and check them out a little more before I write them off. However this cover is great and I feel a little more macho listening to this version.
Boyce Avenue - Breathe(Taylor Swift Cover)
Since my guilty pleasures are revealing themselves here is another song I always liked and I have no idea why. I think I really like how the song is calm during the verse and then explodes into the chorus. Ted Leo is a great songwriter and his band Ted Leo And The Pharmacists are a indie sensation. In fact I will post an original song by them in my next post. I actually had to record this off of youtube which was sort of a pain in the ass. My internet sort of sucks and youtube stopped a few times to buffer so I had to edit out the blank spots. Totally worth it though.
Ted Leo - Since You've Been Gone/Maps(Kelly Clarkston/Yeah Yeah Yeahs Cover)
When I was little my parents loved country music and I always loved the voice of Dolly Parton. Plus she's a babe, or at least was, I haven't seen her recently. And no I'm not saying that just because she has huge boobs. This cover is very cool, very beautiful. It has a banjo and choir!
Dolly Parton - Stairway To Heaven(Led Zeppelin Cover)
Wha wha what! A rap cover with strings! This is a MUST listen and MUST have for any good cover collection.
Dan Black - HYPNTZ (Notorious B.I.G. Cover)
I can't say that this cover of The Weight is better than the original because that would be a total lie, but it is just as good as the original. It's less country and more soul. A really interesting take on an already great song. Plus two heavy weights covering it. How can it be bad?
Duane Allman & Aretha Franklin - The Weight(The Band Cover)
Metallica Rulez!! haha! Every time I read that I always think of Otto from the Simpsons. This is a version that you could easily play for your grandma or even in the workplace. It's 100% acoustic and doesn't skip on the fancy guitar noodling.
Rodrigo y Gabriela - Orion (Metallica Cover)
We'll start off with one I recently discovered. The song is by The Hold Steady who are my second favorite band. Bonus! It's also a cover of a Bruce Springsteen song, who I also hold quite high up on the cool meter. Double Bonus! To top it all off Atlantic City is from my favorite Bruce album Nebraska. Triple Bonus! I couldn't think of a more perfect band to cover the boss either.

I have had this song for sooo long and I never tire of hearing it. I first heard this song on a Fat Wreck Chords compilation called Survival Of The Fattest, which is filled with some great punk rock songs. Sadly I lost the CD a long time ago but I had managed to keep this track on an old mix I made. Get ready to rock. I suggest going down a country road really fast while listening to this or while driving amongst cornfields on a highway. Reminds me of driving to Colorado.
Me First And The Gimmie Gimmies - Country Roads (John Denver Cover)
Again I am going to let out some secret that will more than likely ruin what little coolness I have. I really dig Breathe by Taylor Swift. I think she's pretty talented and she's not all fake *coughMileyCyruscough* My sister introduced me to this song and I think part of why I like it is because my nephew knows every word and it's cute when he sings it. I don't know much about Boyce Avenue but I looked them up on youtube and they do a lot of cover songs. I listened to a few others and the few I heard sort of sounded pretty much the same. Slowed down and sappy songs that woo the girls, but I might go back and check them out a little more before I write them off. However this cover is great and I feel a little more macho listening to this version.
Boyce Avenue - Breathe(Taylor Swift Cover)
Since my guilty pleasures are revealing themselves here is another song I always liked and I have no idea why. I think I really like how the song is calm during the verse and then explodes into the chorus. Ted Leo is a great songwriter and his band Ted Leo And The Pharmacists are a indie sensation. In fact I will post an original song by them in my next post. I actually had to record this off of youtube which was sort of a pain in the ass. My internet sort of sucks and youtube stopped a few times to buffer so I had to edit out the blank spots. Totally worth it though.
Ted Leo - Since You've Been Gone/Maps(Kelly Clarkston/Yeah Yeah Yeahs Cover)
When I was little my parents loved country music and I always loved the voice of Dolly Parton. Plus she's a babe, or at least was, I haven't seen her recently. And no I'm not saying that just because she has huge boobs. This cover is very cool, very beautiful. It has a banjo and choir!
Dolly Parton - Stairway To Heaven(Led Zeppelin Cover)
Wha wha what! A rap cover with strings! This is a MUST listen and MUST have for any good cover collection.
Dan Black - HYPNTZ (Notorious B.I.G. Cover)
I can't say that this cover of The Weight is better than the original because that would be a total lie, but it is just as good as the original. It's less country and more soul. A really interesting take on an already great song. Plus two heavy weights covering it. How can it be bad?
Duane Allman & Aretha Franklin - The Weight(The Band Cover)
Metallica Rulez!! haha! Every time I read that I always think of Otto from the Simpsons. This is a version that you could easily play for your grandma or even in the workplace. It's 100% acoustic and doesn't skip on the fancy guitar noodling.
Rodrigo y Gabriela - Orion (Metallica Cover)
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