In my life there is always one place I can be assured that I will have music on no matter what. I use it as a sound booth where I belt out lyrics at the top of my lungs. I use it as a drum kit where I tap out the beats or go air drums, depending on the situation. I also pretend like I know how to play guitar chords or piano keys in this place. No, it's not the bathroom of the local Denny's, although that would be the such a rad situation to walk in on, the place I am referring to is my car. As with almost everybody, except those who listen to talk radio (I still love you), I go rockstar in the car when I am by myself. It's one of those places where one can truly see just how dorky they are. Have you ever had it where you see someone singing at the top of their lungs or smacking the crap out of their steering wheel while on the road. It's HILARIOUS! Although as much as you laugh at someone, you can be damn sure someone has laughed at you. You know what though? I am not about to quit. There is something about cruising the blacktop by yourself and having your favorite song blaring while, if your like me, you sing your heart out. It's fun and I say keep doing it people! So today I decided to make this post about music tunes you can drive with. Some are for singing, others are for speeding on the highway. If you read this I demand you post a favorite in the car song in the comments section at the bottom of this post. Seriously if you don't your car won't start, it told me!
I'm going to start out with one I love to sing along with. It has great lyrics, it chugs along like a train. Listen to that pedal steel guitar it sounds just like a train whistle. It reminds me of older Johnny Cash, meets The stones bar room piano rockers, meets Dylan-esque lyrics.
Bright Eyes - Another Travelin' Song
I posted a song a while ago by a remixer/mashup artist named Bearbot back in July who did a mash up of this song and the Lil' Wayne song Stuntin'. That mash up is an amazing song and I highly recommend you look it up (unfortunately I no longer have it up). However My Only Swerving is an great tune all by itself. The song is completely instrumental, and pretty simple but it carries such a carefree spirit with it. It's got twinkly guitars, spacey sound effects, and a cat like guitar that seems to meow. It's got breakdowns and a beautiful ending that includes orchestral strings. Perfect song for day or night time driving.
El Ten Eleven - My Only Swerving
This is my back roads, small town song. The type of song you want to hear as your passing cornfields or driving down that dusty gravel road and you don't have any Bruce Springsteen available. Note: this isn't like Bruce but it could fit nicely with him on a mix. I also like it for a short drive through a bustling town. the lyrics reflect on life and hard times reminiscent of the blue collar working man. The music as snappy and busy. Got to love any song with a stand up bass.
Baby Teeth - Looking For A Road (No Longer Available)
So it's 5pm and your flying down the highway with the craziest drivers who you'd swear are auditioning for a part in the next Fast And The furious movie. The lanes are packed and it feels like the Daytona 500, one wrong move and there will be serious repercussions. Your super aware and your adrenaline is rushing and it's sort of awesome! Or perhaps your the one who is the crazy risk taker who laughs in the faces of the meek doing the speed limit. Throw on this hard rockin' electro tune with sugary female vocals and I guarantee you'll be going ten miles over by the time the song is done. Just watch out for the popo. Edit: So I just found the Teddybears myspace page and they have a totally different but equally awesome version of this song there.
Teddybears - Yours To Keep (Feat. Neneh Cherry) (No Longer Available)
Nothing sucks more than being in stuck in traffic. Stop and go, construction, those people who decide to wait until the last second to get over when there were signs miles back the lane was closed. It can be maddening. This tune is perfect for being stuck. The vocals are crazy and all over the place. they would compliment frustrated groans and sporadic yelling. The music is jerky and perfect for alternating feet between the gas and break. Just remember if it gets you too riled up, you might want to find that talk radio station.
Born Ruffians - Barnacle Goose
This post is not going to be all about driving. A while back there was an episode of This American Life that touched on the subject of music, mixtapes and love. Of course my ears perked up and I heard this interesting story. The journalist, a big music fan, was asked by a friend to come up with a mixtape for his girlfriend. However he didn't want it filled with songs about love because A.) he wasn't sure he was in "love" yet. He liked her a LOT. However wasn't sure if they were at that stage. and B.)He didn't want her to get scared by the tape and lose her. However he did want her to know that there were strong feelings and that he cared about her. The journalist set out on her quest but had trouble finding the right songs. Most of them were just too mushy. I'm a guy who likes mushy but I started to think about the situation and I could only think of one song that was the perfect. Not only is this one of my favorite Beatles songs, it's one of my favorite songs period. It's easy to miss the genius of this song in how it doesn't say to much and it doesn't say to little. Which is rare to find in a pop song based on love and relationships. Most are either all about being in love (which is good) or about being (sad because of love). I just thought that was an interesting thing to think about. I also brought it up because there is a certain someone who I think I would like to hold hand with.
P.J. Pacifico - I Want To Hold Your Hand (Beatles Cover)