Jail Weddings - I'm My Own Doctor
This one is a song that I have been meaning to post for quite a while. I love the jangly loose feel of the song. Of course any song with a lot of harmonica is always a welcome sound. This song reminds me a lot of Sweet Jane by The Velvet Underground. It might be because of the talk/singing vocalist or because I associate sunglasses with a Lou Reed type coolness.
Ezra Furman And The Harpoons - Take Off Your Sunglasses
Every once in a while I get in the mood where I want to hear some soothing classical music. I posted a question in Yahoo Answers asking for some good classical tunes. Someone suggested I check out a guy named Yann Tiersen. Now he's not the definition of "classical" music but he is definitely a great composer. He can do amazing things with an accordion. I highly recommend doing some youtubing for this guy.
Yann Tiersen - Rue De Cascades (Live)
I was eating lunch the other day at work doing the normal thing I always do, listening to my headphones, when this song came on. There were a lot of people in the lunch room and it was pretty silent and all I wanted to do was sing along with this song at the top of my lungs. Needless to say I didn't, but you can sure bet I listened to it on my way home in my car and sang as loud as I could. This is actually a mix of two bands combined into one, members of the Black Lips and The King Khan & BBQ Show. I'm not huge fans of either band and I can't particularly say I loved every song from The Almighty Defenders album, but this song is amazing. It's got that gospel feel but I can't decide if it leaves me feeling clean or dirty afterwards. That is what keeps me coming back.
The Almighty Defenders - Bow Down And Die
I listen to a lot of podcasts, mostly because I have a 45 minute commute to and from work everyday. One of my favorite podcasts is a show called Comedy Death Ray Radio. It's an alternative comedy show that has great underground comics come in and they just chit chat, do skits, play fun games and it's all pretty much on the fly. I have been listening to it for almost a year and a half rarely heard an episode where I did not laugh my butt off. This song comes from one of those podcasts, it's by a band that I have featured here before called Don't Stop Or We'll Die. They are a comedy band, which usually comes off as gimmicky or really cheesy. Not that that is a bad thing, I mean come on they are comedy specific. However this band seems to have it right with really solid melodies and brilliantly funny lyrics. I always picture the scene from the movie Idiocracy when the president is riding on his chopper in a parade, giving the finger to bystanders and slamming beers. I have no idea if this is the correct name of this song.
Don't Stop Or We'll Die - Presidents Beer