Be glad you are a human. Here are three reasons why.
Songs To Wear Pants To - Never Been In Love
Broken Family Band - Song Against Robots
Marina and the Diamonds - I Am Not A Robot
This song is always played on my local classic rock station and it is the song that got me hooked on Jackson Browne. If you don't really know who he is, he sang Doctor My Eyes. I am a huge fan of his music. It's not too rocking, and not to lame. I'd say it's prefect background music for studying or relaxing activities like reading. It's the kind of music where you don't notice the lyrics but when they do catch your ear you'll want to hear the song again. This song in particular is a great one. I love how it makes you feel as if you understand what it's like to be in a band. To be a musician that just loves to play for the sake of playing. Unfortunately this track is live and The Load out and Stay run together and I couldn't find a combined version. I do recommend playing them back to back, it will be worth it trust me.
Jackson Browne - The Load Out
Jackson Browne - Stay
Cross genre songs rarely work out well. With this song that is not the case. This song makes me feel like I am sailing the seven seas of music. At first the journey is nice and calm (the lyrics), maybe a little lonely and dark (the music). Then suddenly in the middle of the ocean you come across some choppy water and ahead you can see a storm moving closer and closer. The water becomes more and more violent. You batten down the hatches and prepare for the wild ride(the rap). In the end you come out victorious but can't believe what you just went through. Now you have a story to tell. This song has some of the fastest rapping I have ever heard.
Islands - Where There's A Will There's A Whalebone
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