Phase One: Songs To Cry To
You lose the girl and suddenly the world seems like a cold place. You can't function as a member of society because all you can do is think of what just happened. Going over and over it in your head.
The Glass Bottle - I Ain't Got Time Anymore (click for lyrics)
This isn't the actual video for the song, but this song can not be passed up! It's more female oriented, but it's oldies gold. I especially love how the chorus breaks down. Killer!
(click for lyrics)
Placebo had a mild hit back in the 90's with a song called Pure Morning and another song called Every You Every Me. They didn't receive much acclaim and to be honest I was not a big fan of them until way later. They have some really great songs and it's all pretty moody. This one is definitely out of the 90's rock music scene with it's bouncy to angsty sound.
Placebo - You Don't Care About Us (click for lyrics)
Phase Two: Songs Of Spite
I remember hearing this for the first time so long ago. Back in middle school I think. I had taped it and I constantly listened to it. I never really understood it but I thought it was funny when he went off on the girl.
(do you really need the lyrics?)
This is another blast from the past for me. It's more girly, yet not so much from the female point of view. It's sugary sweet vocals and jangly acoustic guitars meld so well with the bitter as hell lyrics. It also has one of the best lines ever. "but right now there's dust on my guitar, you fuck/ and it's all your fault/ you paralyzed my mind and for that you suck."
The Murmurs - You Suck (click for lyrics)
Ok this song isn't really about relationships, it's actually about the singers attitude towards the bands worst critics. Thankfully I'm not one of them because this song is one of the most downright spite fueled songs I have ever heard. I chose to include it because the lyrics are pretty general. Peter Murphy sings like Bowie and belts it out on top of a beautiful piano arrangement.
Bauhaus - Crowds (click for lyrics)
Phase Three: The Moving On Songs
A rap song about a break up? Thugs have feelings too!
Gang Starr - Ex Girl To Next Girl (click for lyrics)
I don't like radio friendly songs very often but this one has quickly found it's way into my regular playlist rotation, even when I wasn't feeling down. It's got a really good beat and the crisp sound one can expect from a Timbaland remix. Then you have One Republic frontman/producer Ryan Tedder's soulful singing and you have a good song.
(click for lyrics)
This song is so cheesy but also so inspiring and heartfelt. I think that every break up song post needs to have one. No matter how goofy looking the singer is. What an amazing song.
(click for lyrics)
Honorable Mentions:
Tom Petty - You Got Lucky
The Mountain Goats - No Children
Martin Briley - The Salt In My Tears
Magnetic Fields - You Must Be Out Of Your Mind
Go West - King Of Wishful Thinking
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