Thee Pirates - The Pirate Song (No Longer Avaliable)
I have a complaint I would like to get off my chest. I am quickly becoming so sick and tired of Wal-Mart. Yes, I shop there and I know how it puts the small guys out of business, and they don't offer decent wages or benefits. I've heard it all and I do agree with it but at the same time, It's a hell of a lot cheaper than Meijers or any local supermarket. Right now I am all about spending as little as I can. As soon as I don't have to worry about money, I will be switching stores. Other than the previous issues mentioned, I also have a few others. The thing that has been pissing me off lately is that they are renovating my local store. Which means that for the past 2 months when I go in to get groceries, I CAN'T FIND A DAMN THING! Every single time I go in there something is moved. There is nothing I love more than walking all over, dodging carts(because no one else knows where the hell they're going either)searching for croutons like I'm Indiana Jones. It was funny, I overheard someone else saying "I can't find a damn thing in this store." I chuckled and replied "I'm right there with you." At least someone feels my pain. Now I do understand that when renovating it's hard to make customers happy. I have been through a renovation at an old job and it is a pain. However Wal-Mart is full of morons who decided to change all departments at the same time making it a long and drawn out process. It is called focusing on one area at a time. Less mess and less stress is the best. The other thing that really irks me is that Wal-Mart has 70+ check out lanes and seriously there are only 5 open at one given time. WHY?! Why not just have 10 lanes. URGH!!!! I can't wait until I can switch stores. I also had a similar experience with blockbuster the other day. I went to rent movies and they always ask if I want to join their special member plan and I can get free movies. Well their plan is 10 buck a month, and I might get A, as in one, free movie out of the deal from what I can figure. When asked I tell them no and most of the time they let it be. Well the other day I had to tell this douche bag no at least three different times. After the final refusal, he sighed and said "Fine pay full price."
I didn't say anything but now that I think back about it I should have unloaded on him. What kind of customer service is that? First you're pushy then you're a dick. I decided that I am going to another video store. It's further away but, at least they know how to treat their customers.
Subhumans - Supermarket Forces
Soul Asylum - Misery
Recently I went to a job fair for a local company that was hiring in the area. The last time I went to a job fair I got to the hotel where it was being held and there was a line of about 200 people waiting to just fill out an application. The end of the line had wound it's way parallel to the front of the line. As soon as I got in line someone behind me had asked how long the wait would more than likely be. One of the men about to go inside had told her that he got there at 9am and the time was 2pm. That's at least a 5 hour wait just to get in the door. I stood in line for about a half an hour until I decided like many before me to just leave, besides I had not ate lunch. I figured that I would come back after getting some food from down the street and hopefully the line would be shorter. When I got back it was, in fact there was no line and I over heard one of the organizers telling someone else that they were not taking any more applications even though the event did not end until 5pm. The frustrated applicant asked well when did you cut it off? She told him they cut off taking applications 10 minutes after I left. I was pretty disappointed but glad I didn't spend anymore time in line. I felt bad for the people who had been in line for hours and got jack. Well this job fair didn't go that way but I did end up standing in line for 3 and 1/2 hours. The good news was I made it through the "cuts" and got an interview. If I get the job it will be well worth it, but standing in line sucks! This song popped into my head numerous times while waiting.
Fugazi - Waiting Room
Since most of this music is punk rock, here are a few random punk rock favorites of mine.
This song always makes me laugh!
The Dead Milkmen - Stuart
Violent, raunchy, loud and in your face! Here come the Dwarves, the band that wouldn't die! If I ever made a movie and it had a party scene this would be the background music.
The Dwarves - How It's Done (No Longer Available, But This Is)
I had a really really hard time picking a song by NOFX because every song is great in it's own way. If you decide to pick up any album by them I'd suggest Heavy Petting Zoo or Punk In Drublic. I might do a entry totally devoted to these guys oneday.
NOFX - Don't Call Me White
Just in case you aren't a dorky as I am and missed the joke, the picture above is a parody of the album London Calling by the Clash. The Clash also have a song on that album called Lost In The Supermarket, which I didn't use because the other songs fit a little better. And yes I did make that picture on Photoshop.
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