Lately I have been into this band from New Jersey Called The Front Bottoms. I think the reason their music resonates with me is because it takes me back to my pop punk roots. I consider the punk phase in my music genealogy, the point where I really started to branch out and become interested in music.The Front Bottoms music is filled a happy sadness that is really found in young adulthood. The wild rebellious shell that screams I don't give a fuck on the outside, but if you manage to even so much as crack the seam you would be flooded with a mess of emotional garbage. I honestly wouldn't even consider their music to be pop punk, but for some reason it brings me back to those bands that helped me get through my late teens/early 20's. Those nights when I was pining over some girl, or mad at the world for God knows what reason. They make me miss those days, even though I really don't.
Tonight I was lurking on Youtube and I came across both of these videos from the Black Cab Sessions. I love it when live music is so good it gives me goosebumps.
“Shut up…let me tell you, LET ME. Every time I look at your face or even remember it, it wrecks me. And the way you are with me and you’re just fun and you shit all over me and you make fun of me and you’re real. I don’t have enough time in any day to think about you enough...I don’t even think about women anymore. I think about you.”
― Louis C.K.