Last night there was a huge storm that came through Michigan. It was one of those "God must be pissed" storms. Crazy lightning, whipping winds, buckets of rain, and thunder that roared so loud it made me jump more than a few times. I was celebrating fathers day early with my family while it was krack-a-lackin which made it a little more comforting. I had to laugh a little because my sister gets pretty freaked when it storms, and she wouldn't sit by any windows. I guess I don't blame her though, it was hardcore. Anyway, the storm lasted a good 2-3 hours and at no time did it let up. I left my dad's house about 10pm when it was dying down but the ride home was insane. The trip should have taken me 5 minutes if that, instead it took me 20 minutes due to all the police roadblocks. Every street that was open was at some point completely flooded over. I am amazed that my car was able to get through it all. The picture above is from the local paper. It's no Katrina but it was definitely the most rain I have ever seen around here.
The Acorn - The Flood Pt.2
If my computer was a real person it would be 80 years old, legally deaf, senile, and have trouble with bodily functions. I kid you not, my computer is a dinosaur. I am constantly getting pissed at it. It takes forever to do the simplest task, my internet access goes in an out at the most inopportune times, or it just freezes. I will be so happy when I can afford to get a new computer. I'd love to take it on the roof and drop it to the pavement below and watch it smash into a million pieces. Or go all Office Space on it. So in honor of of my anger towards the frustration machine, as I like to call it, here is the unedited version of the technological beatdown from Office Space. Don't play it in front of old ladies and children it's a vulgar one, but so badass.
Gheto Boys - Still
I should have known about the Pixies a loooong time ago. Well, let me rephrase that I should have recognized the awesomeness of the Pixies a long time ago. I knew who they were, I knew what they sounded like, but I never cared much for the little I had heard. A few months ago I rented Zach and Muri Make A Porno and this song was played, almost in it's entirety, in the movie. I won't say much about the movie but the correlation of the scene and the song fit so perfect together. Basically one of the characters decides take a girl to his room but it's not the girl he wants. The girl he wants likes him and sees him take this girl into his room...blah blah blah, see the movie if you want to know the rest. I was blown away when I found out it was a song by the Pixies. I instantly paused to movie and listened to Doolittle (the album this song comes from) all the way through and fell in love.
The Pixies - Hey
Recently I have found myself getting into more dance and club type of music. I think it's mostly due to everyone remixing every single good song that has come out in the last 6 months, which isn't a bad thing, but I have never really enjoyed dance music. I have never liked it because I can't dance to save my life and I will refuse to dance in front of people. I do tell people I have sweet moves, but if someone challenged me to a "Step It up" dance fight, I'd fail miserably. Now that being said I will dance like a fool in my apartment when I am alone. Mostly it's a lot of flailing around like a fish out of water and shaking my non existent ass. I love to do it an do it frequently. I always liked the thought of DJ'ing a dance party at someones house. Apparently so do Daft Punk. P.S. Soon there will be a few posts of great remixes for you to dance away with.
LCD Soundsystem - Daft Punk Is Playing At My House
Super Sweet Indietronica Bonus Song:
Schneider TM featuring Kptmichigan - The Light 3000
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