I've got it now
A thorn in my side the size of a Cadillac
Drive it through
'cause backin' up now would be next to impossible
I had it all
When I was with you I forgot about everything
Eighteen months
Eighteen months seems like fucking eternity
And you'll be there
To dry my eyes
When I breathe you in
In '97
In '97
I've got it now
Like a thorn in my side the size of a Cadillac
Drive it through
'cause backin' up now would be next to impossible
I had it all
When I was with you I forgot about everything
Eighteen months
I won't breathe for eighteen months
I don't deserve this
I don't deserve this
I don't deserve this
No I don't deserve this
I don't deserve this
No I don't deserve this
I don't deserve this
No I don't deserve this
No I don't deserve this
No I don't deserve this no
Notes from the Author via "Goddamint Redux" CD "I wrote these lyrics on the front steps of an office building in downtown chicago while working as a messenger, I was having some legal difficulties at the time, and as part of a probationary program i was subject to random tests that involved a plastic cup and a sample of my urine. said tests made it difficult for me to partake freely in a certain activity that had a way of making my days as a bicycle courier go by a bit faster."
Alkaline Trio - '97
This is another song from the mix I was given in the previous entry. This was the opening track and I think it was an excellent pick to open a mix with. The first song of a mix has to be killer and grab the listeners attention right away. I usually try to go with a catchy uptempo song or something completely outside the norm. Something that will make the listener want to hear it again right after it's done. Repeatability is an important key for the first few and last few songs of a mix. This song did that, as soon as I heard it I listened to it three more times before moving on to the next. It's got a stripped down, very simple sound. What really impressed me was amazing vocal harmonization and odd song structure.
The Dirty Projectors - Rise Above
The first time I heard this song I was driving on a busy highway in rush hour traffic. I listened to about half of it and I had to turn it off because it increased the intensity tenfold. Saying that The Dillinger Escape Plan is chill is like that ice cream is hot (I can't believe thats the best I could come up with). This song is insane, chaotic, and not something you'd play for your grandma. This song reminds of of riding the worlds oldest roller coaster that shakes you around so bad you think you're going to break every bone in your body. In the middle of the ride a giant evil bird swoops down on you and cuts you into a thousand pieces. The vocals are it's ear drum exploding caw, the guitars are razor sharp talons scratching your soul and the drums are the giant beating wings of death. This is not a song for everyone or the faint of heart. It is worth a listen and has a neat jazz breakdown. No matter how much you hate it don't jump out until the ride is over.
The Dillinger Escape Plan - 43% Burnt (No Longer Available)

Jenny Lewis - Acid Tongue
I found this gem of a song on an old compilation I got with a magazine many years ago. I remember listening to this song on my headphones on the bus ride to school. I thought I was so cool. It was funny and immature, and said the f-word, sort of like high school kids. I didn't know a lot about war other than what I learned in history and I didn't really car about it. Now I'm older and try not to use the f-word, I don't like war, and still find the song funny. Hey 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
The Rugburns - War
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