Symphony X - Star Wars Suite
I just had to mention this because it's so funny to me. I recently read an article on myspace about how Lauren Conrad, or L.C. from the TV show the Hills, has a new book out. I guess it was number one on the New York Times best seller list and when I saw that I had to laugh. I decided to read the comments and those were quite funny too either they were making fun of her of people were saying she was their role model. Which made me laugh even harder. So I thought I would throw my two cents in as well. I was one of the ones making fun of her and wrote something to the effect of how I can't believe the book reached that high and there must have been so really bad books released that week. I also left a little blurb about how if people were seeing her as a role model they should re-evaluate and look elsewhere than an MTV generation dummy. Well I just went and checked my myspace account today and I received this message from one of her fans. "and let me guess who your role model is? the creepy molester guy that raped you when you turned 7? STOP HATING ON PEOPLE YOU DONT EVEN KNOW, JEALOUS BITCH" Ah, how I love the internet flame. At first I was just going to delete it and forget about it but then I thought, "No. I'll send her something back." Here was my response. Thanks for further proving my point by flaming me on the internet and not even making a valid sophisticated argument. On top of that you should think twice before sending messages like this. Everyone is allowed an opinion. If you don't like what I have to say then don't read it. Or do and go about your day. Sure I don't know her but I, along with way more than a few people, know there is no way that book is going to give any insightful direction. Other than to the mall. By the way you have been reported to the Myspace police. Have a nice day! P.S. thanks for giving me something to write about in my blog. I was having writers block. You rock! I could have said a lot more but thought I'll leave it at that. I haven't heard back. Maybe she took my advice, maybe she was scared of the Myspace police, or maybe she took a long walk off a short pier. Either way she and L.C. make me sad for America.
New Boyz - You're A Jerk
I may have mentioned this before but I am a HUGE fan of podcasts. I think my absolute favorite is and always will be Smodcast, which is a podcast hosted by Kevin Smith And Scott Mosier. If your not familiar it's the dudes who made Mallrats and Clerks. It's pretty crude, but it cracks me up every time. Worth a listen. Anyway the reason I bring this up is because there is one other dude in the Smodcast crew named Ken Plume who puts together the background music to go along with whatever their talking about. The man knows music! I want to do something like that as my career. I always wondered who puts together soundtracks for movies or chooses songs for T.V. shows and the like. I'd love to do that. Actually I'd love to make music my job. Weather that be slapping together soundtracks, booking shows, or writing reviews. I want to do it. I had this sort of realization that I should make my love of music into a career. I decided that I am going to go back to school and try to major in journalism. I mean from what people have told me they like the blog. I don't know if it's for the sometimes funny stories or just for the music but I know a few people dig it a little. I'm not fishing for compliments or trying to sound arrogant but the reason I do this IS in hopes that people like it. I know I like it and it's a blast doing it, but I digress. I'm going to make something I love and will be happy doing earn me some dough.
Neil Innes - Stoned On Rock
Carl Belew - Folding Money
Super Sweet Bonus Song:
I know I blogged about Jaydiohead, but there are a few encore tracks that came out.
Jaydiohead - Song and Cry
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