Happy Halloween all. Today we are going to celebrate this spooktacula holiday with a second helping of some bloody good tunes.
This is an oldie but a goodie. It reminds me a lot of pirates for some reason...ghost pirates....hmmm sounds like a Disney movie I once saw. Grab your jug of rum and a washboard and get to "yo-ho-hooOOooOo-ing"
Cab Calloway - The Ghost Of Smokey Joe
Remember when swing music came back from the dead for like two seconds just to fade away almost as quickly as it was brought to life? Was it a trend or was it some sort of black magic spell that was cast on the music scene? I always thought that those insane dance moves, although classy, could not have been done with out some sort of help.
The Atomic Fireballs - Man With The Hex
Will Smith where have you gone? I love Will Smith, but I hear that he joined the church of Scientology now. I thought he was crazy for battling aliens (ID4, M.I.B.), robots (I Robot) and, defending an empty New York City against mutated humans (I Am Legend). However I think that takes the cake. Don't worry I still love you, just don't go all Tom Cruise on us.
DJ Jazzy Jeff And The Fresh Prince - Nightmare On My Street
This is a creepy song. 'Nuff said.
Fever Ray - If I Had A Heart
When originally released (1973) in the UK a number of town councils imposed a complete ban on the showing of the film The Exorcist. This led to the bizarre spectacle of "Exorcist Bus Trips" where enterprising travel companies organized buses to take groups to the nearest town where the film was showing. Due to its controversial material, this movie was not available on video in the UK until 1999 when the British Board of Film Censors (BBFC) approved an uncut version. If you have never seen this movie I highly suggest seeing it. This one is truly scary, not like the "scary" movies you see now.
Tublar Bells - Exorcist Theme
I'll admit it there was a time when I listened to the Insane Clown Posse. I don't like to admit it but I will. In fact I was obsessed with The Great Melinko album for a good month or so. I think I just liked the horror/comedy gimmick they offered. Then I started to listen to good music, but I still throw them in once in a while for a good laugh both with them and at myself.
Insane Clown Posse - Boogie Woogie Wu
The Misfits are THE Halloween band. Enjoy your fright night and be safe out there. It's the scariest night of the year but nobody wants to end up with X's for eyes.
The Misfits - Spook City U.S.A.
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