Once again I am going to provide you with some sweet music related links. Enjoy!
Playing The Beatles Backwards: The Ultimate Countdown.
Have you ever wanted a list of Beatles songs ranked with insight as to why the song is ranked the way it is, as well as interesting tidbits on the songs? Do you love to get into music debates over a bands "best song" only to come to the conclusion that no one will ever agree? Me too. I came across this interesting article. Of course I have not read the whole thing yet but someday I will. I don't agree on the ranking, and don't think there will ever be anyone who will, but I do give the author credit. I am sure that this list took weeks to create and that right there is a reason for me to read through it. You might find a new Beatles song you like. Since we are ranking things, how about taking a look at this one too. The Ultimate Ranking: Every Radiohead Song
Name 10 Song Titles About...
"I say a word, and you have to come up with 10 songs that have the word in the title. Then, you pick a word for the next person to find 10 songs about. Sound fun?" Yes x 100. I forgot how I came across this thread. I think I found it while looking up books on Amazon oddly enough. Either way, this thread on Amazon is a goldmine. Want to make a theme mix? Want to find some new bands? Want to learn a new game to waste away time on those slow days at work or lame parties? Check this out!
The Sacred Geometry Of Music. So this is why I had to take Geometry!! Gettin' nerdy with music!
The 15 Weirdest Music Videos Of All Time. Oh yeah I remember what those are! As I recall there might have even been a television channel or two dedicated to music videos. Too bad they didn't stick with the format. If they had maybe I would have known about these. No explanation needed here. Go watch some hilariously odd music videos.
hahah awesome, Awesomer, and Awesomest!
A link to a site of links: Populair.
and a few non-music related links
I am fascinated by architecture and interior design. I also like seeing the inside of houses, how they are set up and what not. I just find it interesting to see what other people do with the space they have. I also know I couldn't afford 90% of the cool places I see. Like these. I wish I lived in NYC and had lots of M-O-N-E.
So You Want To Be A Writer by Charles Bukowski. One of the great modern poets writing about writing. Awesome poem!
Ever wondered if there was a map to the Simpsons Springfield? Wonder no more!
Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Seen On The Internet. I like the Buffalo VS Lion VS Alligator the best.
Last but not least this article is for the search nerds. Beef up your searches. Information is power. How-to find interesting video, sound and image files.
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