"Put On That "Feel Good" One"
Tickle my ear with hi hats and jangly strings
Fill my head with hazy dreams and memories of sunshine
Electric shock to the body "3, 2, 1, clear!" Now I move.
I feel more alive.
Filling my blood with sweeping crescendos like the addicts
Bubbling with the build up peaking with the pop
There is thunder in my soul, a beast in the rib cage.
Shake, rattle and roll.
My stomach on fire with the riff of 10,000 notes
Tasty licks, open your mouth and spit fire
When it hits open air it turns to clouds
Precipitation raining down.
It soaks into me, it soaks into you.
If asked to pick one of the few pure pop song craft-persons of modern music I would instantly say Jens Lekman. I was on the fence about this guy when I first heard his song "And I Remember Every Kiss". I played it more and more and eventually looked into Jens a little more and found the true genius in his songs. Great witty lyricism, day dreamy instrumentation, and a little of that extra danceable feel without being overly computerized. Also he has a voice like velvet.
Jens Lekman - Kanske Ar Jag Kar I Dig
When I hear this song it makes me wish I lived on some golden sunshine laden coast, with the smell of fresh seaside air, and a long stretch of highway. All windows open please, cause I'm about to blast the radio.
Surfer Blood - Floating Vibes
I have never visited a gym to work out but I am sure if I did I would make a playlist of fast upbeat music, such as Everybody's Dancing. It does exactly what the title says. Great bouncy bass, nice drum fills, and when that keyboard hits in the first minute of the song, there is no doubt that it's go time!
Sleepless Nights - Everybody's Dancing
You have to be dead not to feel the funk. Seriously if you don't move your hips, you must have blue lips.
Preston Love - Cool Ade
I have no idea what this guy is saying but, that's okay cause it blazes. Superb percussion is what fuels this track. Check those horns, man. Crazy!
Manny Corchado - Pow Wow
I don't think McDreamy is some character on a lame quasi doctor show. This song is McDreamy Dreamerton.
School of Seven Bells - Half Asleep
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