I have heard a few Big Star songs before but never really been a big fan, but this song makes me want to give them a second chance. It's laid back and kind of has a carefree air about it. As if being in love makes the singer forget about all the problems in the world. Man, love is a powerful feeling!
Big Star - I'm In Love With A Girl
This one is more about the search for the love of your life, rather than being in love. I do love how it's got the rocking repeating lyrics that are fun to sing loud with.
Wreckless Eric - Whole Wide World
A friend told me about this song quite a while ago and I never checked it out until last night. Which is strange because I am a bit Tow Waits fan. This is another "since you came into my life" song. It's a pretty song with a sort grit that makes it a perfectly acceptable song for a man to have on his in his collection without having to worry about feeling like a sissy.
Tom Waits - Picture In A Frame
I am a huge podcast nerd and I listen to a podcast called Comedy Death Ray Radio quite often. It's mostly a talk show where comedians get together and shoot the bull and tell funny jokes and play fun games. The podcast also mixes in some comedy related songs. Most of them are alright, but every now and then I end up hearing a song I absolutely love. I have heard this song played on the show many times and could never figure out who the band was until now. The song is called Austin Powers by Don't Stop Or We'll Die. It's an insanely infectious tune with simple goofy lyrics. The part I love best is the piano in this song. It's just so up beat and then you add on an chanted lyric like "Austin Powers you ain't nothin' but 5 years old/ Ace Ventura you ain't nothin' bu 10 years old" ad you have one golden shiny happy nugget of tuneage.
Don't Stop Or We'll Die - Austin And Ace (No Longer Available)
Last but not least I need to mention that I will be another year older come tomorrow morning. I'll be the big 31. Too bad I am still in training and have to go to work. Woohoo I get to spend my day of oldness talking to people about their bank accounts in a cubicle!
Drive By Truckers - Birthday Boy
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