"There are things in life that matter, things in the past that can't be denied. Winnie Cooper is part of me, and I am part of her. And for as long as I live, I will never ever let her go." - The Wonder Years. I couldn't help myself but to quote The Wonder Years. This band is a great group of people who have a heavier rock influence but with twangy southern feel. Maybe it's just the lead singers awesome voice, or just this song. Either way they can rock out like nobody's business. The band no longer is together, but I feel it's a a more than worthy mention. I was lucky enough to see them play a few times, even once watched the lead singer Becky do a recording in a dirty dining room with a few people on one particular drunken night. The drummer is in a great band called Charles The Osprey who make great...I don't even know what to call it. Expiermental noise jazz metal? All I know is they have great guitar hooks, superb drumming and crazy time changes that is stay nice and tight. I am always amazed at bands that can do that so well. They have a new LP that just was released titled "Consider" that you can get on orange or green vinyl. I'm going with orange. I couldn't find videos for Winnie Cooper but you can find their download here.
Winnie Cooper - Pleasure Pony
Charles The Osprey - Scimitar Children And Their Rugs
As soon as I heard this band it reminded me a lot of At The Drive-In, which to me is a great thing. It's angsty, gritty garage punk. Not only is the bands name great but so is their sound. High strung vocals over very tight drumming, with some great riffs. If you dig band with some attitude or just like to feel tough HTAFM will be right up your alley. They just put out their demo for free, so you have no excuse to not check it out. They also are doing shows in the Grand Rapids area quite often so if you are down for a drink and ready to rock your face off I suggest you look them up.
Heavier Than Air Flying Machines - Abacus Abacus
I absolutely LOVE this band. I think I can safely say that as a music fan with out being biased because I know people in the band. Chance Jones has it all, clever songwriting, songs that range from laid back toe tappers to full on wild rock and roll that will shake you out of your chair, and moxie, lots of moxie. I have had the pleasure of seeing this band perform many times and I have never been bored once. Some bands don't entertain when they play live or are, what I like to call "studio only" bands. These dudes and gal in no way shape or form fit that definition. I seriously wish nothing but the best for these talented musicians. If you dig them you should go buy their latest album The Incident at Primrose and West If you want to listen to their complete discography you can stream the complete discogoraphy here. This is band that gets around a lot, and I promise you you will get your moneys worth for any cover you have to pay.
Chance Jones - Nobody's Baby
I was lucky enough to stumble upon this band by chance. Last summer I was sitting in my apartment on a particularly nice weekend and I started to hear music for outside. I live in a small downtown area filled with mostly old farmers and good upright family types. In other words my town isn't what you would call the epicenter of the local rock scene. I had no clue what was happening so being a fan of any live music I decided to go check it out. Turns out there was an event called Waterfest. Something dealing with clean drinking water, and purification. I watched a band or two who were alright but I wasn't impressed much. I decided to go back home. 10 minutes later I started hearing what sounded like jazzy experimental rock. It was pretty much all instrumental but still very cool. I immediately went back outside and watched this amazing band play through their set. There was no roster of bands posted that I could see so when I got home I looked up the roster and found out that it was a band called Paucity. A friend of mine had talked about them a lot but I never had heard them before. I felt really bad for the band because there were maybe 8 people watching them, most were people passing by. I also felt special because it wasn't a crowd of people and it was more intimate. What made it better is that I was digging the band. I am now a fan and I love listening to their music when I am doing things that require thinking. It's great background music for doing things in general. You can also stream their music on their website for free.
Paucity - Funnel Web
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