
The letter Q A.K,A, the second lonliest letter

The letter Q is going to be all videos. Why? Because, there aren't many bands that start with Q that aren't well known. So with this "Q"uandry I "Q"uit my "Q"uest to fill my "Q"uota of downloadable tunes, but I am "Q"uite certain you will enjoy this "Q"ueue of "Q"uality videos. After this sentence I will "quickly" stop this ""Q"uaint use of "Q"uotations and remain "Q"uiet from any further "Q"uirky "Q"uips.

Before she was an actress on TV, A spokesperson for Cover Girl, or a star on the big screen, Queen Latifah was a Hip Hop rapper, and a pretty skilled rapper at that. It's quite an easy thing to forget. I know I did.
Queen Latifah - U.N.I.T.Y.

I wish I had a time machine. I'd go back to the late 60's and early 70's when Rock and Roll was being born. It was exciting, dangerous, and fresh. You knew that you were seeing something revolutionary when watching a band. Quicksilver Messenger Service isn't widely known, but it's not super unknown either. Though the band was never as successful as acts, like Jefferson Airplane or The Grateful Dead, they did play a large role in creating the psychedelic rock genre. The name is one that is unique and hard to forget. Here is a quote I found on Wikipedia from guitarist John Cipollina on the creation of the band name:

"Jim Murray and David Freiberg came up with the name. Me and Freiberg were born on the same day, and Gary and Greg were born on the same day, we were all Virgos and Murray was a Gemini. And Virgos and Geminis are all ruled by the planet Mercury. Another name for Mercury is Quicksilver. And then, Quicksilver is the messenger of the Gods, and Virgo is the servant, so Freiberg says 'Oh, Quicksilver Messenger Service'."

Quicksilver Messenger Service - Mona

I first heard of Question through the South By South West web site. This was not the song I first heard, he has a great song called In My Chevy that I wanted to post. However since there wasn't a great video for the song, I chose this instead. If your wondering, yes I dance like a white boy quite frequently.

I have posted a song from Quantic before no my Golden Shores & Red Shoulders mix. You probably heard his music before on an iPod commercial. This is one I have been waiting to feature for quite a while. The Latin flair and tropical groove will have you craving to be somewhere hot in no time flat. I would also suggest the work he did with Alice Russell. She is a great singer and the smooth sounds make for some purely enjoyable listening.
Quantic and his Combo Barbaro - Un Canto A Mi Tierra

A dark classic that never gets old.
Queensryche - Silent Lucidity

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