Joshua Tillman began his music career as the drummer for the Philadelphia-based band Saxon Shore until 2004. Tillman then moved to Seattle and began opening for Damien Juardo and started making solo albums on CD-Rs and handing them out at shows. With is two solo records issued by Keep Recordings and a third from Fargo Records he then joined the band Fleet Foxes, as the drummer. Tillman left the band this Januray and started work on his new moniker Father John Misty. His new album Fear Fun was released this past May. I especially like the video for the song "Hollywood Cemetery Sings" because it features the beautiful (well she's sort of creepy looking in this video) Aubrey Plaza. Also known as April Ludgate from Parks And Recreation.
Father John Misty - Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings
I decided recently started watching Battlestar Galactica again. I decided that it is time to finally get through the series. Not because I am bored with it, but because I have other series I want to start watching. I once again have to reiterate how great that show is. Seriously it's a lot more than just spaceships and robots. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of that, but it's got so much drama going on and the characters are interesting and deep. Oh. and the plot twists, my Gods (thats a Battlestar joke), so good. Princess Chelsea gets it. You should get Princess Chelsea.
Princess Chelsea - Frack
I was listening to WYCE's Radiolab podcast today and they were talking about color. I learned that the Mantis Shrimp has 16 color receptors, where humans have only 3. This means that That shrimp can see way more colors than what we can. It was really interesting. At the end of the show they played this amazing cover song written by James Perrotto. The song was first recorded in 1959 by DeWayne Blackwell but became popular that same year by a band called the Fleetwoods.
Busman's Holiday - Mr.Blue (With Erin Tobey)
Frank Ocean is a member of hip hop crew Odd Future. He has been a ghostwritter for acts like Brandy and John Legend and was featured on the Jay-Z & Kanyes West album Watch The Throne. He just released a solo album called channel Orange and from the buzz that I have been hearing this is definitely an album to pick up. It's filled with chilled out soulful R&B, with intelligent and creative lyrics that you normally wouldn't come to expect from a modern day R&B act. I had the chance to hear a few tracks off of the album and I am surely going to pick this up when I get a chance, Gives me a reason to cash in my iTunes gift card. I knew I was saving it for something special.
Frank Ocean - Bad Religion
I randomly came across this website that linked to tons of small bands and their bandcamp pages. I went crazy grabbing up any free stuff I could find. One of the finds was this band called Sledding With Tigers. I was going to pass them over but a tiger is my favorite animal, so I thought why not. Well I am really glad I decided to do so because this band is great. There is something that I love about Folkish sounding music and angsty lyrics. It makes you want to get drunk and sing every word from the top of your lungs. This band will make you want to do just that. If you are a fan of Defiance, OH, The Ghost Mice or Andrew Jackson Jihad, grab a sled and go downhill with these cats. If you like this song head over to their bandcamp page where you will find a SWEET synth pop version of this song. Oh by the way, they are super nice people...see next blurb.
Sledding With Tigers - Homeless
I did something I usually don't do which is add a band on facebook and tell them how much I like them. I added Sledding With Tigers, and let them know I really dug their band, and that I would spread the word about them in Michigan. They said they really liked Michigan and also sent me this link. Which I like just as much. Do these bands a solid and check them out. If you like them let them know, go to their shows if they are in your area, or buy their music if you can.
Spoonboy - All The Kids In Michigan
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